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Remote eq'ing

The Boogie Man

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Hi troops,


I'm going to up the specs on my foh eqs at some point soon and was going to go with bss opals, but given my situation (me being the crew, the act, and on a bad night the audience) I wondered do any of the eqs nowadays come with a remote?

I was thinking I might be able to record a cd/mp3 of me singing :unsure: and then playing, put it through the system and then go out front and tweek for the room, instead of walking backwards and forwards to the stage. Yes/No?


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Just about every digital loudspeaker management product has remote control capability, so if the EQ in there is to your satisfaction, thats the way to do it. Most products have parametrics, but (if memory serves) the driverack has graphics.
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Cheers David, When I thought about the idea, I was thinking about eqs, I hadn't considered an lms. I'll have a look down that route. I would imagine it's going to be the higher end of the market, as I don't recall the berry having one.



edited to add,


I don't mind having a para eq as I have one on the computer based recording system at home. I find it a bot smoother than the graphics, but that may be the units in question and not general.

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It maybe depends a little on what you consider to be a remote. The driverack 260 can be remotely controlled via a RS232 link to a windows PC. I have a distinct recollection of reading that the berry could do something over RS485 too. Either way means a trailing cable unless you want to get clever with wireless adapters but that may not be a massive problem unless you're playing huge venues.
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Cheers guys, I was just coming back to say, after reading through the manuals for the bss 366 and dbx drive racks, I couldn't find a remote, but its as you say shez, what kind of remote! I didn't see anything along the lines of a hand held remote, just connections between units and using something as a master, ie pc laptop or hand held maybe. A big lenght of cable I suppose wouldn't be a problem except with punters floating around looking for something to trip over :D


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Thanks Mac, I got all excited and read the article right through!! Then I found the price :unsure: Just a bit above my price range :D

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Behringer deq2496:


"Separate RTA mic/line input with phantom power, professional wordclock input and MIDI connections for

full remote control, preset dumps and system updates"


It doesn't come with some standalone software to do the job, but many types of studio software have extensive midi automation functionality, and most good studio boys would know how to implement a cheap laptop based solution. The unit does sound pretty reasonable as well btw!



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Hi Mat,

Yes I know there ok I've borrowed one before. The only downside I can see from the lms point of view is that, that is what it is first and the eq'ing is just a part of it. The berry as far as I remember has one one eq and one dynamic eq per channel. So you can make 2 eq changes per output. The dbx 4820 has nine pre and post, but the problem is cost. One unit at £2,000 (ebay) would be ok, but if I want to stay in stereo on my three way foh I'd need 2.

I think keeping the two jobs seperate is going to be easier. Keep the lms for system config, and then look out for a digital eq with remote or lappy connection for tweeking foh. Mons are easier I can just about still bend down to reach the faders. :unsure:

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The Behringer DEQ2496 is the EQ unit to go with their LMS (the DCX2496) and has graphics, parametrics and no doubt other gadgets too.


Rob Beech will probably be along to pass further comment as I know he has (or had) a few of these.

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I don't normally hawk my company's wares on forums, but the Sabine Graphi-Q2 products might fit the bill for a remote controlled EQ.


They can be controlled on a PC via the Sabine software package or Smaart. In addition, presets can be recalled via contact closure.


I'll avoid the sales pitch, but more info can be found on the CUK Website or the Sabine Website.

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I guess 2 of those do FOH & one does mons. So the mons don't need this function.


The cheap(ish) way of doing this would be to have the graphics in their own 6U rack with a long bit of 12 way multicore (+ a 13A) cable. Pick the rack up, take it FOH and "fiddle", put it back on stage & coil the cable neatly - no need to plug/unplug.

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