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Rigging MAC's


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In answer to the simple question "can you rig a mac 500 on a bit of scaff?": In depends. Mostly on how afore mentioned bit of scaff is supported, but also the condition of the scaff. But assuming the bit of scaff was put there by some one who knew what they were doing and they're prepared to say it can take the load (do mention what it is and hence that it's a dynamic load when you talk to them...) then yes.
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Is the scaff bar weight tested? Is the bar already load bearing? Is it an up right or horizontal? How is it fixed? To what is it fixed?


Sorry to be like this, but if in doubt, leave it out. You may end up pay the consequences for something you done in good faith.

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I'm a 6th former, on payroll. So I am not totally sure what that means legally. I haven't been given a contract or anything to sign.


The Mac's are for a client wanting to hire out our venue, who want's moving heads. I wouldn't be the one rigging them [ I had already realised that I would get Startech to do that]. But I wanted to check here before getting the venue reception to book them and get them rigged.


I just didn't want to sound a numpty on the phone. Hence why I asked the question if it is actually possible in the first place, here.

I just got mixed responses. I'm sorry. I don't want to come across as an arse with no knowledge. I just only use DMX for our 16 scrollers and the occasional scanner. Nothing as big & heavy as MAC's.

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To save you time and bother for now , if its an issue - why not up-end the flightcases, cover them with black tat and place one on each of those.


Short answer is yes , of course you can rig macs on scaf but the issue here is you need to know the load bearing of it - what the scaf is attached to / fixed / hanging from or if its a free structure etc


The same theory will apply to truss. You cant just hang off a load of kit on a pice of truss - because its truss!!!! There are all kinds of factors to take into consideration.

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This post is a prime example of what I dislike about this forum at times: Arsy replies to someone just asking a simple question.


ALL of us need to ask people something from time to time to check things we have either forgotten, are unsure about or simply do not know the answer: If every time I received such a reponse from people I would simple stop asking questions then hold my breath that something didn't go wrong due to me guessing............ I personally am useless at remembering various weightloads for certain peices of equipment - If I can't find it written anywhere I ask for help (from the manufacturer etc)


The original question, although slightly vague, deserved an answer, or a reply asking for more information.

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Moderation: A very large number of posts have been removed. Paul Need summed it up rather well above - the trend for all and sundry to chirp in and post without offering any actual help seems to be on the increase. The OP has provided some information that explains what is going on. It is fair to say that perhaps with a more detailed original post, many of the negative comments wouldn't have had to have been said - but people who ask for help deserve to get something worthwhile back.


We feel that in some circumstances, where there is a serious safety concern, the advice does need to have warnings attached - or explain why an answer cannot be given. What is happening more and more often is that people are effectively slapped in the face, made to feel inadequate and stupid. The mods cannot see why people can not be nice, polite and helpful. The content of some of the posts removed were plain nasty and worded very poorly, making us all appear superior and smug.


People at school and college nowadays are willing to be very honest about what they want to do. Many of us older folk would never post material like this, not wanting to appear ignorant. We have to accept that nowadays people see forums such as this as places where they can ask basic, and maybe even daft questions. From now on, please try to have more patience. Some of the posts above that are still saying - "there is a potential problem here... are you sure you know what you are doing?" have phrased their replies to be helpful, and we've left those. The ones that have gone contributed nothing at all to the topic and were either unpleasant, or simply unhelpful. Remember the rule - if you cannot say something nice or helpful - say nothing at all. Actually - there is no such rule, perhaps there should be?

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