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Making a large lamp matrix scrolling stage LX effect...


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Is this what you are aiming to produce?



Yes, sort of - and yes, I stumbled across them at PLASA too and have some literature. Thanks for the pointer, though!


Just wondering why you wont to use lamps rather than LED,s. Are you trying to do it for a large area?

Slightly confused, the whole point isn't that I won't use lamps but that I would like to; they are more 'raw', generally higher powered and that's sort of the look we're looking for. We may well come back to LEDs but we're just investigating our options!


Thanks for the input.

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Just wondering why you wont to use lamps rather than LED,s. Are you trying to do it for a large area?

Slightly confused, the whole point isn't that I won't use lamps but that I would like to; they are more 'raw', generally higher powered and that's sort of the look we're looking for. We may well come back to LEDs but we're just investigating our options!


Thanks for the input.




Cool, I was just wondering, because the electronics could be much easier for LED's due to PWM etc


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Have done this before using a grid of 5x5 pinspots. Controlled via some custom software over a usb-DMX and switchpacks.

Worked pretty well, though pinspots are too slow to do really good animations. Would love to try this again with a higher resolution but think it would be pretty difficult using the system I used...

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Just wondering why you wont to use lamps rather than LED,s.

Slightly confused, the whole point isn't that I won't use lamps but that I would like to;

I think the original question was meant to be

Just wondering why you want to use lamps

rather than

Just wondering why you won't use lamps




Which is a classic example of the importance of SPaG. A difference of one letter changes the interpretation of a whole sentence to mean complete opposite of the posters intended meaning.


Edit: to add quote.

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  • 5 months later...
use Serial.begin(250000); in your code and you're good to go... there is only a little trick used to figure out when the DMX frame begins.


There is quite a few people (even professionals) who use Arduino and DMX for their work.




Arduino.cc & Tinker.it


What is the little trick you mention to recognize the break where the DMX frame begins/ends? That's the only part of this that I have conceptual difficulty with.

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Try continuing to read through the thread from the post you just quoted, or at least just reading the post after which Tomo wrote!


And if that doesn't help, have a quick revise of what DMX signals look like, and certain terminology used in serial communications, in particular, what a framing error is and see if you can match the two up.


Hope this helps.

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HI Peter


If you have dimmers for your lamps that are on DMX then Chamsys will do this for you very well. you can patch your dimmers or any fixture to a grid and run text or moving bit maps across the grid.


Give me a call if you want to take a look at our chamsys system of down load the software.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so the framing error trick works as follows:


a DMX address is preceded by a low start bit, and followed by two high stop bits. If either of those stop bits are low, it's called a framing error, and will cause the UART to set an error flag. During the minimum 88us break between transmissions, this flag gets set because the break is nothing but 0's.


So, you have your program wait for the frame error flag to be set, then it begins reception, because the next received byte has to be the start of the DMX transmission. It works only as long as you have really clean data, so that that framing error is only happening during breaks.


Now, one of the commenters earlier in the thread mentioned that there is a better way to detect the beginning of the frame than using framing errors-- I'm interested in best practices, so can someone explain how that works, please?


Thanks again for the help.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're still looking for a DIY solution, I've written a program to allow the Arduino to receive DMX-512:



As written, the code only receives 8 channels, but can easily be customized for any number of channels, up to the memory limits of the Arduino. From what I understand, you can use a shift register to get the required number of outputs, since you'd run out of pins pretty fast:



Or, you could adapt the code to the upcoming Arduino Mega, which has 12PWM pins + 36 digital pins.


Hope this helps,


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Now, one of the commenters earlier in the thread mentioned that there is a better way to detect the beginning of the frame than using framing errors-- I'm interested in best practices, so can someone explain how that works, please?


You - somehow - actually measure the duration of the break time. The how depends on what hardware facilities you have at your disposal.


The (somewhat fabulous) propellor chip has no hardware and so one has to do everything in software, and so DMX512 reception is entirely done in software, by no more than monitoring a pin - see here.

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