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Electrician Courses

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Hi everyone, regular browser but new poster here.


Firstly, like with many topics on here, I am sorry if this has already been asked. However, can somebody advise me as to what electrical courses are best looked upon for work in theatre and the live music industry? I am currently a lampie with a degree of sound experience looking to gain an overall experience of the industry.


At first glance it seems as though the 2330 looks like the desired route as this would essentially mean that I become a qualified electrician. However, this is very expensive, and is it really so much better than the 2382? Elsewhere on the forum I have read of people advocating the 1810 course. This seems particularly ideal, but is it only the City of Westminster College that does this course? Ideally I would like to do a quick as course as possible, as having just graduated from University, I cannot afford to spend another year in full time education.


If anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated.




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Some distance learning modules will get you to approved electrician as quickly as you can complete the course. BUT you have no added experience at the end, so you will need some to start with. All this assumes you can make 10 - 20 hours a week available for study and coursework every week for a year or so.
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Good question Pete, I keep looking into this and can't decide which course to do for the best or whether to just stick to gaining hands on experience in sound and upgrading my hire stock as I go. Decisions decisions?
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The 2330 Levels 2 and 3 will give you the fully qualified electrician status for Domestic, Industrial and Commercial and once you've been signed off having made up a substantial profile, you'll get the NVQ3 bit meaning you are a Kosher electrician.


I'd imagine whilst doing your practical on-site / electricians mate type stuff, you could hook-up with some people who work as sparkies in this industry.


I've just signed up for my 2330, it's gonna take me 10 months, but it'll be worth it and I can work whilst doing it. (OLCI - run the course and I'm paying over 30 months interest free)


Edit: It looks as though the 2382 is only the 17th Edition wiring regs course, so yes, it's gonna be a lot shorter. You'd probably also want to gain the PAT course too.


The 1810 looks good. although might cover more than just electrician stuff.

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To get the level 2 and 3 2330 qualification you do not need to get an apprenticeship. However, if after successful completion of the course you want to become a qualified and JIB fully certified electrician, then you do need an apprenticeship which begs the question as to how useful the 2330 is without the recognised certification. Particularly considering the cost of the course.


That's the way I see it anyway. I am still undecided as to the best route. If anyone disagrees with me then please tell me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been wondering about cross-compatibility of different qualifications. I've been unable to get a clear answer on this as yet.


By the end of this year I will have; ONC - Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HNC - ELectrical and Electronic Engineering, NVQ 3 - Engineering and Technical Support.


So on paper I have an electrical engineering qualification. Unfortuately that doesn't qualify me to be a sparky.


My question is (and apologies for this being a selfish post, but I don't seem to be able to get an answer!); Is anything of what I've got already going to be useful or convertable to an electrician's qualification, or do I start again from scratch? I don't know whether I can hack another 4 years of being an apprentice!!!!!

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JIB Grading Definitions - Electrician Grade

Qualifications and Training


Must satisfy the following three conditions:


1) Must have been a registered apprentice or undergone some equivalent method of training and have had practical training in electrical installation work.


2) Must have obtained an NVQ Level 3 in electrical installation work (or approved equivalent) - see Note 1.


3) Must have obtained a pass in the City & Guilds 2360 Electrical Installation Theory Part 2 Course or approved equivalent.


Note 1:


If the applicant meets the other two criteria but has not achieved an NVQ Level 3 in electrical installation, then a "Provisional" grading may be awarded if the following criteria are both satisfied:


a) have obtained at least the City & Guilds 2360 Electrical Installation Theory Part 2 Course Certificate (or approved equivalent).


b) have obtained Achievement Measurement 2 or must be able, with the application for Grading and any other relevant supporting evidence (i.e. the City & Guilds Electricians' Certificate) which may be required, to satisfy the Grading Committee of his experience and suitability.


So the answer is, start again.

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