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Excellent use of video projection


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I saw Etienne De Crecy play at Global Gathering a couple of weeks ago and his visual production is really worth a look - It's an extremely ingenious use of a couple of projectors, strobes and some very clever graphics.


Check out the videos here and here.


The set is basically a 3 x 3 x 2 matrix of cubes built from KwikForm scaff, with white gauzes on every face except for the front of the centre cube where he plays from. The video is projected from in front and gives a great illusion of depth as all the surfaces get hit by the projectors.


Very clever stuff...

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Hhmmm...very impressive.


Is there actually any live 3d projection going on there or is it a 3d effect built into a single graphics display?

Some very clever modelling going on there, I might have to brush up my 3dsMax and give the schools render farm something to do!

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It's an extremely ingenious use of a couple of projectors, strobes and some very clever graphics.
Just needs a hundred or so movers, right?



Perhaps a [/joke] would have made it clearer.....


(It was a reference to the perennial discussion in lighting about quailty over quantity when it comes to design.)


I think the design is very clearly based on a creative imagination.

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I don't think there's any actual '3D' projection, I think it's just the effect you get as the image hits the various surfaces.


The whole show featured next to no lighting - Just a single 2.5k profile to backlight the man himself and a couple of Atomic strobes rigged to the base of the structure at the back. All in all a very easy day for us lampies - not sure how complex the projector line-up was though...

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Amazing - thanks for posting the link. Any idea on how many projectors were used and where they were positioned? I've been trying to fully fathom quite how the depth effect was achieved and... can't. Any method that I can come up with would lead to "double exposures" in all the wrong places.


Care to put me out of my misery?





Edited the lack of the letter "a" in Amazing - I told you my head was imploding...

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On the myspace video it cuts to a shot of the projector beam, I may be wrong but I'd assumed from that, just the one projector was used. It would be one hell of a job lining up multiple projectors for that style of seamless video, it would make positioning the scaffolding the easy part!


From the side shots it looks like the cubes are 3x3 and 2 deep all covered in gauze apart from the centre cube which is open at the front with blacks on the top and sides.


Hopefully Rob can put me out of my pondery and confirm/correct this.


Can you tell I've been studying this video quite a bit today?! :D


EDIT: wow, my first blue dot...

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Hmmmmm, definetely looks like one projector used that's been cropped for the square shape of the scaff structure. I'm guessing that they worked out the dimensions of the structure to the distance of the projection and built it or designed the images from there.

It's all too.... square and symmetrical. Try putting in the odd point or oblong shape and see how they cope with that.

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Very clever effect. If you have a look at the video

, theres shots from several different angles, which kinda shows where the '3d' effect is just projected from 2D as you see the lines which your brain sees at the back of the structure, being projected onto the front of the cubes I'm fairly sure. But I'd agree with GRisdale, in that I'd expect that to give 'double exposures' of the 'set'


All rather cleverly done. Would like to know how they did the effects to project though?


edit[0]: errr.... vbulletin doesnt like urls? ... *tries again*

edit[1]: ... ah no. Maybe this time

edit[2]: huzzah!

edit[3]: Actually, on the video, you can see that the cubes above and below the center 'cube' are inset. I'd upload a snapshot, but I need to goto work! I'ts at 3:33 into the video. And it looks as though only the front face is used in the projection.

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There were two projectors out front - Not really sure if both were used or one was a backup. The set structure was as Russ described but there were no black drapes involved. Festival tents are pretty dark anyway.
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amazing use of projection used there! so effective but so simple, but it must of taken ages to aline it all and come up with the sequence of projection.


anyway thanks for sharing that vid with use all. its a great inspiration.

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