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Mary Poppins Flying


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Hi just wondering if anyone knew how the flying rig works for the flight at the end into the audience, saw it last night and was quite impressed how it seemed to transfer the wire's from up and down motion to out and back motion.

Hope you can shed some light on this.

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People know how it works - watching it carefully you could figure out the basic's but I'm afraid no-one is going to tell you the detail as it's a secret (and trust me; you don't want to know, it's a lot more boring than you imagine it to be)


Savour the magic and wonder you've felt seeing it and not quite knowing how....

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People know how it works - watching it carefully you could figure out the basic's but I'm afraid no-one is going to tell you the detail as it's a secret (and trust me; you don't want to know, it's a lot more boring than you imagine it to be)


Savour the magic and wonder you've felt seeing it and not quite knowing how....



Ah, for heavens sake, not this again.


This is a forum for Theatre Technicians to discuss how we work. If it's a genuine trade secret that you are under an NDA not to disclose (like a illusion), then fine, but if it's "you'll spoil it for yourself" then guess what? All entertainment is "spoiled" because that's what we do for a living. The idea of this place is to discuss what we do. If you genuinely can't or don't want to tell, say nothing.

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Well I could tell you as I'm the person that is in charge of it, but not sure if I will, but I can tell you it can give me one hell of a headache when it stops working!

I gather there were a few problems last week... :(

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Well I could tell you as I'm the person that is in charge of it, but not sure if I will, but I can tell you it can give me one hell of a headache when it stops working!

I gather there were a few problems last week... :(

You gather wrong, there has only ever been 2 times on the tour MAry hasn't flown at the end of the show Once was in Plymouth when we lost a drive unit for one of the winches and the other was during Birmingham previews when it wasn't clear if the flying lines were clear so it was deamed it was not safe to fly her.

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one of the winches and...



Aha! So it\'s all done with winches.....the secret is out!


I\'m with Bryson on this one.


the best thing about the blueroom is the possibility of sharing information.

the worst thing about the blueroom is also the possibility of sharing (dodgy) information, so caveat emptor, but I don\'t really see the need for secrecy in order to \"protect the magic\". This might be fair enough in the context of the Mary Poppins Fan Club Website, but this place is for aspiring and professional technical staff, or \"peer group\", as it\'s sometimes known.


Moderation: The mods agree - too much wrong data - so we\'re closing this one down, as accurate data is rather well kept limited distribution stuff - sorry.

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