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Lights in Drums


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Hey all... I just took delivery of my nice new acrylic drum kit, in time for me to take it on my 2 week tour with me next week.

I have been wondering how easy it would be to place LED par cans in the drums themselves to give a bit of atmosphere and light to the kit. however will this dramatically change the sound, and how will I manage to get in power cables?

I have seen this done before and I even recall a picture of it here on the BR a few weeks back but don't remember where it was.




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If you are going to do it, go small lights, ie. LED pin spots.

You'll have more than enough intensity from them to light the inside of a kick drum.


If you have a sound hole on the front end of the drum, place it inside as you would a boundary microphone, and it should have no greater affect on the sound of your drum as would a Mic.

You may have a temperature problem with the light, this could change the drum tuning.


You MAY have issues with power or DMX interfering with the mic signal due to proximity of cables.


For smaller drums, I suggest Customising LED's rather than placing an existing light inside. Anything large in a snare/mounted tom will drastically affect the sound of the drum.

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I'd stay with keeping the lights outside of the kit. It's just generally easier, and don't have any of the wiring problems mentioned above!

Also means that if you have a few cans, you can use a couple to light the bass, then can use another few to light the underneath of the cymbals and other bits of the kit, which should give some nice reflections, rather than just having a glowing bass (bass-ed on the fact that its the one a punter is most likely to see), and the rest of the kit looking a bit... left out! The reflections off the metal form the rest of the kit should broaden the effect



Try maybe a profile behind the drum to create some form of silhouette of the bass pedal too maybe? Dunno if that will work, I've only been up 5 minutes so my imagination isnt at its best ;-) Might have problems focussing it so its just the bass pedal and leg in it, although the other leg might be a bit out of the way on the hi-hat pedal. I'm not personally a drummer so not 100%! Anyone have any ideas whether this works?


Rope light around the front rim (not sure what the technical word for that bit of the drum is!) of the drum? Or even get a LED hoop to go around the thing.....


Okay I really am tired |-) Maybe ill stop posting crap when I get back from work! heh.

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This is really the sort of situation where I'd say just keep it simple and put them outside. A few pars of different colours pointing up at the drum kit from in front and the side can look really effective without a lot of work, whereas placing the lights in the drums themselves is going to introduce a whole host of issues, some (like the sound) that you won't know until you try. Perhaps I'm just lazy, but it really doesn't seem worth the hassle when there's a far easier solution!
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This is one place that LED pars can really shine (literally!)

Don't put them inside for all the mentioned reasons, but drum kits being full of chrome and other shiny bits have always been a good focal point to uplight, especially during quiet numbers.


Stick 3 or 4 around the kit and mix away!

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I have seen this done before and I even recall a picture of it here on the BR a few weeks back but don't remember where it was.

Was this it?


yeah it was. I was thinking of putting the pars round the kit. The profile behind the bass is a good idea too. I think I will definitely use LED pars though.

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I have seen battery operated, colour changing LED Christmas lights installed inside drums, simple and safe, and compact, but not controllable (they go through a random sequence, no sound to light or other control)
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