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C.A.D DMX programs


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Right could any of you wonderful LD's help a student in need. I really want a lighting design C.A.D program, is there any good ones that are free to download because it would really help when I start my lighting design degree.


Thanks from Cons

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Hi Cons, welcome to the Blue Room. This is a subject we have discussed lots before, so I'd suggest using the search function in the top right corner, and typing in "free cad" and seeing what comes up. Personally, I use Vectorworks. But that's not free though :** laughs out loud **:
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You could try:


Lighting FAQ point number 5.


The Wiki.


The search function.


As has been said, this question has been done to death so please use the box next to the word "Google" above to type in "lighting software" or something similar, then press the button next to it marked "search".


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