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Camco Mains lead??


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Hello all!


A quick question on Camco amps. I've a Vortex 4 and the mains lead has been damaged and needs replacing... my question is what size is the cable? It looks like 2.5sqmm, but I'm not sure if it is bigger.

I guess the second part of the question is why is such a large mains lead fitted?


Any thoughts?



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Having looked at the manual's electrical specs, I can't see any reason why it would need a lead larger than 2.5mm^2, it will be plenty. If it will have a 13A plug bear in mind that there aren't many 13A plugs that will fit 2.5mm^2 cable - certainly the MK Duraplug will and so will the Permaplug.
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Another suggestion that comes to mind is to stick a 16a plug on the end of the flex then knock up a 13a to 16a adaptor (if you don't already have one spare) for use when you have to run off 13a/d0mest1c outlets. Costs slightly more to put together, but gives you more options down the line should you ever get a chance to plug the amp/s into some 'proper' mains/distro.


But if you think that's unlikely to ever happen, then, as Yorkie said, try get a decent brand 13a connector on the end such as the 2 he suggested. Not all 13's like taking 2.5mm^2 flex.



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The reason for such large cable is because they also run on 120v for across the pond so current draw will be double UK. Pretty sure it is 2.5mm cable, I know it's hard work getting a 13amp plug on them!
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Thanks for the input! I thought 2.5mm would do... just wondered why it's so big! On 13a plugs, the one of the easiest to fit, if you can find them, are Crabtree plugs. I suspect they are no longer manufactured, but if anyone wants one, I know of a source!





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