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More model box set queries

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Sorry to bring up this topic again but I'm in the same situation as peter. I've a couple of questions about building a model box set...


1) Is it ok to use props and furniture from a model shop (like modelshops.co.uk) or does everything have to be made personally?


2) I know someone suggested using cardboard but I've got to take it on a plane and I'm not sure it could cope - would MDF do? Can anyone suggest an alternative?


3) Is the box set just to include the set, furniture etc. or should it have lights as well?


Many thanks,


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1 = Pre made props and furniture are fine I have seen them on alot of pro model boxes.


2 = Go to your local artist supply shop they might be able to help. The board that is used mainly is mounting board which is a little more rigid. There are alternatives such as display board (I think) which is plastic. Check with your airline to see if you will be able to take the item on as hand


3 = The model doesn't require lights unless they have been asked for, but a couple of small torch lamps do look good.

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1) Absolutely fine to use stuff from model shops - as long as it is roughly the right scale.


2) You can use MDF if you want but it's not so easy to work with. Most designers use a sort of foam board which comes in various thicknesses and can be easily cut with a knife. I'm sure your model shop will have some. A clever trick is to get a copy of the ground plan of the theatre and stick it to a sheet of foam board. This then becomes your stage floor and you can build walls, scenery etc onto it. Cut slots in the board to make joints or use pins to holds bits together.


You can use anything you want to make your model. Found stuff which gives an idea of the texture you're after is often better (and quicker) than trying to paint or create your self.

With regards to transportation - do they specify a scale? If the set is large I see no reason why a model could not be at 1:50. It's not going to have as much detail as a 1:25 but it can still show an understanding of the play and the technical problems of staging it. It will be a bit more of a fiddle to make but you won't have to do so much detail. It will also use much less materials which are after all expensive.

Either make it dismantle-able or build a box out of foam board for it to travel in. (many designers I know turn up with really elaborate custom built travel boxes for their completely unfinished models)


3) You really only need to show set and furniture. If you are building a fantastically detailed reproduction of the theatre complete with flying system then you could chuck some lights in as well but it's not really required. Keep it simple.


I'm interested to know exactly what the brief for this exercise is. What course are you all applying for (I think I know which college it is).

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The course is Production and Technical Arts and the brief is to design and construct a set model (1:25) for either Pinter's The Dumb Waiter or Sartre's In Camera. The stage area is to be roughly the size of an A4 page and 250mm high and to include any bits of furniture, doors, flats, etc.

Along with this you're to include ground plans, lighting plans, prop references, costume drawings etc.

Apart from the model box set you have to fill in answers to a series of questions about what you want from the course and previous experience and see a production which you discuss in your 45 minute interview.

Hope this answers your question and thanks for the advice.

Graeme ;)

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