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Logic XP range???


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Hi Guys,

I`m narrowing my search for a portable quality pa, which can work in two set ups: 2 tops for small gigs, 2tops and 1 sub for bigger or band gigs. I`m looking at the Logic xp15`s and xp180 sub. I have also been looking at Turbosound TXP range again 2 tops, 1 sub.

I know from an earlier thread that someone suggested RCF tt range, can anyone shed any light on the best rig for playing jazz, big band style music through and the warmest sound! I`m off to Leeds next week for a listen, but would value anybodys thoughts.

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It depends on what exatly your going to be doing with it.

Live music? or is it a CD?

What size venues? How many people?

How are you going to transport it?

Active or passive cabs?


If you can afford it the TT rig is way above the likes of the Turbosound TXD stuff, but it reflects in the price.


Personally I wouldnt go for the TXD if your going to be putting ritch, warm sounding jazz through it, there a very nice range of cabs, however they are pretty harsh.


I cannot comment on the logic stuff as I have not herd it yet.



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Two of the three systems mentioned I have heard, (LOGIC and RCF), although the TURBOSOUND rig as I understand it is just as good.


I think the RCF TT+ (12" powered top, 18" powered sub, per side) beats the Logics in warmth, quality and clarity, in fact its the best 'speakers on sticks' app I have heard in this price range.

Although if you only want ONE sub with the tops cabs (full range some of the time) I'd maybe inclined to go with the Logics.

With the xp15 being 15".


No, changed my mind, I'd go for the TT+. :up:



John Denim.

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I`m playing weddings mostly from 40-350 people! And I think I`d like to stick to active stuff. The Rcf 2 12"s and 1 18" come in at around the same type of price as the Logic. About the £3000ish mark. I`m singing, playing piano, singing to tracks and putting a small band combo through as well!!

Also has to fit into my V70 with an electric piano and lights!

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Over the last 6 months there have been a lot of topics where the RCF TT+ Rig is mentioned, every time it has had nothing but glowing reviews and, from what I have read, it seems to be the best choice for you.




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This is one such topic.


RCF TT+ Topic



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Are Yes well! I`ve just had a little look and that`s more for the TT08 and 1 TTS12! Sorry if I excited you! I think for 2 12`s and 1 18 it`s more like £5k!!! Does anyone think the 12 tops with 1 12 sub might work for me? I`m more interested in quality of sound, the power is useful, but for very big gigs I can always hire in a bigger box system!


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FOHHN XPerience III? £3500. Is that worth a listen?

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I have TT+, two 8" tops & two 12" subs & done both jazz & big band gigs with them. More than enough IMO for the 300ish audience in both cases. I think you should give two tops & 1 sub a try if you can. You could end up doing both your back & your wallet a favour.


Where are you in the world?

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I have to dissagree here im afraid Mark.

I dont think that a pair of 8" tops and a single 12" sub would quite cut it for 350 people.

I think your origional idea of the 12" tops and a single 18" is alot more suitable, yes its larger and heavey, but your not going to have to push it so hard to get a nice result.

As mak says, where are you in the world?

We have the 15" and 12" TT tops and the 18" subs up here in SLX Tyneside, if your interested in a demo PM me.



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Depends, it could fall on you can crush you. Thats probably gonna hurt.


Have you herd the TT System yet Rob? I know you were wanting to but have you got round to it yet?


IMHO The TT system blows the Fohhn away, but im starting to sound like a sales rep now so im gona stop.



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I`m in Wigan, home of the pies! I`ll have a listen to the Logic over in Leeds this week. they also have the TXP range, but not sure where the nearest place for RCF would be. SirchSound, do you think 2 8"tops and 2 12" subs would be better than the 1 18"sub? I know it won`t be for volume, but how about for overall sound. Like the same system Mark PA man uses.
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