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Tracking Fixtures!


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Just an idea.


If there was a full rig of intelligent lights could you get them to track an object. I know on lighting desks you can put your finger on a touch screen design of the stage and they will all hit that spot. But is it possible to get fixtures to act as a followspot, to follow a certain person on the stage, or like in a football game to follow a football but not just one a full rig.


I know its probobly a useless feature for a football game, was just an example but it could be used to act as a followspot. Just wondering if the concept would be possible.



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If you look at something like
then this sort of thing can and has been done. But as you'll see even with objects moving in 2-dimensions it isn't very good, and nothing like the quality you'd expect from a professional followspot operator.
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There have been several previous topics on the subject of using moving lights as follow spots.


The sort of thing you are describing would require the tracking capabilities that effectively use the equivalent of an additional mic pack as a transmitter to identify the target and a number of receivers calculating the position of the transmitter and then driving the movers to that direction. I have seen this in operation with four or five movers in a corporate setting, tracking the speaker as they moved freely about the stage. I would imagine that you could scale this to a complete rig if you wanted to.

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yeah THANKS David, for mentioning Robot Wars. You've just made me watch a dozen or so youtube clips of it ;). I'm sure one time when they had the Cyberlights at the back of the arena, a robot took one of them out...


Anyway, could you not just disable a moving head's pan and tilt (in some way to loose traction in the steppers) and just move it like a followspot with the desk operator behind the effects?

I use 2 faders to control manual followspotting with scans. fader up is up, fader down is down, fader up is left and fader down is right... :)

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