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Which profile lantern


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I'd recommend the Selecon Pacific's (600W), I've got 20 off them in one of the venues, have made plenty of acetate Gobo's, and not had to many problems. [snip] Only warning about the acetate gobo's is don't use really deep saturated colours or to much black as they will burn out.


I've long been aware of the possibility to use acetate gobos in Pacifics but have never tried it until this week. Due to a lack of planning on my part I had not chosen and ordered gobos for this week's show so I thought - I know I can print some acetate ones and use them. Well I failed miserably. Mine melted in the holder in the time it took me to get from the desk to the lantern to focus them (ie not more than a minute)


So what did I do wrong? (other than fail to plan ahead!)


I used OHP material (yes still have a box of the stuff from when presentations were done using overhead projectors) and used a good photocopier to print them on. I arranged it so that the ink was nearest the lens, ie away from the lamp. There was not too much black - probably no more than 20% black the rest clear.


So what tips do you use? What material do you print onto? How do you make it work?


There's a detailed page on all this on Selecon's website: Gobo guide which you might find helps, although most of the tips have already been mentioned.

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There's a detailed page on all this on Selecon's website: Gobo guide which you might find helps, although most of the tips have already been mentioned.

Thanks - that'll teach me to RTFM. Next time I'll take some time to do the prep and try a "custom" slide using the instructions.


Thanks for the helpful responses.

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