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Hi all,


Am trying to restock on Flamecheck (we get through couple of hundred litres a year), and having no luck getting through to them. Has anybody heard anything or got updated contact details? Their (his) phone number appears to be disconnected, and leaving messages on the publicised mobile number doesn't appear to acheive anything.


For reference, the contact details I have (and which were correct as recently as November 2007) are:


Flamecheck Ltd

Denton Lodge

Denton Drive

Marston Moreteyne


MK43 0NA

01234 766788

07790 712839


Could be interesting if they remain uncontactable given that both Flints and SLX shift a fair bit of their product...





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We got it through White Light at the back end of October no probs - just the 750ml bottles but they offered the 5 litre drums as well...


Thanks for that, but I had no problem getting in contact with them direct around that time as well. Anyone had more luck recently?


Cheers, Pete

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We order through SLX and got a load in the other week with no probs at all


While all the answers telling me who I can order it through are very much appreciated, I'm interested to hear from anyone who in the last couple of months has managed to contact / order any supplies direct from Flamecheck themselves. Given the quantities we use, and the fact we sell it on to our shows, with a small profit margin, for significantly cheaper than it can be had from SLX and the like, we have always in the past and would like to continue getting supplies direct...



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I just spoke to David Johnson, he's been having problems with his phones. You can contact him on these two new numbers and still order Flamecheck directly from him as normal.


0208 546 4620


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Hello Everyone,

My name is Christopher Lovato, I am the inventor and owner of the line of products called Flamecheck. I own the company Flamecheck International. I am however based in Tucson, Arizona in the USA.

I was just looking at some postings saying that people were having trouble getting some of our products in the UK. I set up my cousin to distribute Flamecheck in the UK and Europe. If there is a problem please let me know. So if people are having trouble getting my products I will be happy to reorganise the distribution and ensure that enough product is in stock at all times for the demand.

We manufacture Flamecheck, Fire Retardant Paint, Varnish, and Laquer. All our products have been tested to the highest standards in the industry. I appologise for any inconvenience and assure all the users of our products that customer service is our highest priority.


Best regards,


Christopher Lovato


Chairman, CEO


Flamecheck International Corp.


Tucson, AZ 85730


Telephone: 1-520-235-9301



Moderation: Merged with the original topic to keep everything together in one place.

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Thank you for your question.

Although we generally supply textile finishing and Government agencies we might consider

supplying other users depending upon quanties needed.

Our website is http://flamecheckinternationalinc.design.officelive.com/



We would consider selling Flamecheck M-111 directly to users that are able to purchase

a minimum of 1000 liters at a time. We would bulk package the chemical in storeable / easy dispense containers that preserve the product in definately.


Anyone who is interested should send your request to:



I hope to hear from you soon


Chris Lovato


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  • 2 months later...


Manufacturers of Flamecheck are:


Performance Chemicals Ltd,


Are you sure you mean "Flamecheck" (a trademarked product) as opposed to "a comparable flame-retardant coating" - because it looks pretty clear that "Flamecheck" is manufactured in the States from previous comments.

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  • 2 months later...


I have just come across this forum and the question reference purchasing 'Flamecheck'. I can see that it was originally posted in March but thought I would reply anyway just in case anyone was still having difficulties contacting Flamecheck and David Johnson.


I work for Performance Chemicals Ltd and we are the manufacturers of Flamecheck, on behalf of David Johnson. If you are ever finding it hard to track down David or the product please contact us and we will endeavor to contact him for you or make sure you have a supply of Flamecheck.


Our contact details are as follows:


Performance Chemicals Ltd

Fishers Way



DA17 6BS


Tel No: 0870 7700530 (0208 320 3350)

Fax No: 0870 7700531 (0208 320 3351)


We would be more than happy to help.


Kind regards


Sarah Puplett

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