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Roadie supplies

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Marks and Spencers are the UK suppliers of choice ....


But not if you are a grumpy Newsnight presenter. You will want good quality, soft, absorbant cotton briefs help prevent gigbutt. However, if you do ever suffer from this debilitating occupational hazard (known by road crew the world over), you simply have to watch

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On an actually helpful note: www.shop4gerber.co.uk do what they say on the tin at a price I haven't been able to better.

It's always worth looking at South Bay Sound & Light. It's a US company but delivery never seems to be a problem. A Gerber 600, needle-nosed is only $45 on their site compared to £40 from shop4gerber. Don't order on line though or you will be stung for over $35 postage (something to do with standard rates applied by the online merchant company that they use for ordering). Email for a quote and hopefully they'll only charge you a few bucks - like they did when I bought a Gerber 600 from them a while back for my nephew - it was with me within about 5 days too. Tom Hodder is the man.


They also sell the Telrad Follow Spot Sight for only $39, which in the UK seems to go for around 4 times as much (£75 plus VAT on the site I've just looked at).



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