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Touring rider conditions


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Can you guys help me out in building a touring rider where we specify all the things needed to work propperly. I'd like to specify what happens if there is a bad weather or things like the right electric power we need etc etc. Just imagine I'm calling you to pay for your service to go out of town and you ask me besides money some terms and conditions that must be filled for you to work without any problem.


I appreciate your help.

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You'll need to be a bit more specific... What are you- a band, a DJ, some other kind of performer? Or are you a technician working with a band or some other kind of artist? Is this a rider for a specific tour, one-off gigs, festivals? There's a million variables and possibilities. There's lots of useful information on the internet to get you started, have a look at http://www.tourconcepts.com/tools.htm. And I hate to bring up the old Blue Room favourite, but spelling, grammar and punctuation are vital in a rider to avoid confusion and misunderstanding...
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It could be better if you scribble down what you'd like it to say, and we can edit it into something that would not make people smile or scowl when they get it.


What do you mean by the bit about the weather? If you mean weather as in cancelling the event and payment - this goes in the contract proper, not the rider. Riders only mention money in this form "at no cost to the artiste" - as in, we want it, but are not going to pay for it.

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M&M, no green ones


there is a good reason this appears or something similar on some riders,


answers on a 'post'card


Is it not to check that the local promoter has read the rider thoroughly? If there is a bowl of M&Ms but the green ones are still there then they know it hasn't been properly looked at...

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M&M, no green ones


there is a good reason this appears or something similar on some riders,


answers on a 'post'card


If they have bothered to do this they have more than likely done everything else you asked for!

Unless your other requests are even more outrageous :)

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Bad Rock The First Thing to do Is Do your Homework on the venues you are going into. As a Touring Electronics Tech. The first thing I try to make sure I have good clean

Power. Always Always Always Ask questions you can never ask too many questions. 

here are so many variables in putting together a Tech Rider.

As far as Gear always account for spares. I demand it, they give me a couple of hours to rebuild that smashed or toasted mac 2000.

                                           good luck

                                      Tony (MLtech2000)                   

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