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2 Avo questions


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Long time reader, first time poster :)


I have two questions I'm sure you guys can help me with, both related to Avo desks:


1. I'm a regular operator on a pearl 2004 and at the last gig I noticed that pressing the right or left arrow function in program mode allow you to scroll through selected fixtures. This is a very nice feature, but now the question is: how do you turn it off without clearing the programmer? Before you tell me, yes I have checked the manual but since I'm not too sure what this feature is called I'm having trouble finding any info.


2. Tomorrow I'm operating a sapphire 2000, I've checked the manual and all, but I was wondering if you guys had any pointers for a regular pearl guy operating a sapphire.




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1. If you want to use this function, go into User Settings and one of the options is either Chase Control Enabled or Fixture Control Enabled. If you enable fixture control then the chase direction buttons perform the same function as the left and right arrow but there is also a button called All, so once you have finished scrolling through the fixtures if you press All then all the selected fixtures will come back on. Never worked out how to do All when using left & right arrows though there may be a way. I find this function very useful for creating/updating position palettes.


2. You'll find that the Sapphire is very similar to a Pearl (they run the same motherboard and similar software), there aren't any major differences I can think of other than the separate Palette keys with LCD legends. You shouldn't have any problems if you know the Pearl well.


EDIT: Edited for SPAG.

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To add:


You can toggle between Fixture/Chase control with [shift]/Softbutton B. When Fixture Control is enabled the cursor keys do not work.


Further, you can toggle whether this function also solos the relevant intensity channel or just affects fixture selection through ML Menu 2/Softbutton E (Highlight).

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You can toggle between Fixture/Chase control with [shift]/Softbutton B.


I knew there was a quicker way but couldn't remember without a desk in front of me, one of those things you do without really thinking about it! Might be worth adding that the Shift key is the AVO key next to the numeric keypad.

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how do you turn it off without clearing the programmer?


If you use the cursor controls, you can't clear the selected fixtures without clearing the programmer. If, however, you use Fixture Enable as John and Nic describe, you can clear the selection sequence first by pressing ALL, then ML Menu 2, Softbutton D (De-Select Fixtures). This does not clear the programmer, only the selected fixture sequence. Pressing ALL at any time will re-select all fixtures in the programmer.


It's also worth noting that using HI-LIGHT to solo fixtures, will also 00 and FL programmer values ie they don't return to their previous state.





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Thanks for the many replies!


I'm gonna try it on saturday when I'm using a pearl again, don't know if it's a feature I'll ever use...


The gig on the sapphire went great yesterday! We even got asked to join the artists' tour. But man that desk is slooooow compared the the pearl (We use a pearl 2004 and the sapphire was a 2000 model).

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The speed might have been related to patch - HTP channels are the killer.


I find fixture control in conjunction with highlight invaluable. Perfect for soloing individual fixtures when making edits without placing the intensity channel in the programmer. Examples might be positional edits where you don't need to see relative to others or fine tuning the focus on a gobo across a set (if your optics are good enough :D ) Have a play. It's a handy function :)

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I do that by just changing what I want, clear the programmer, select the attributes, give the wheel(s) a tiny notch (so the values are back in the programmer) and store the pallette. It's bit a long process but I've gotten used to it and it allows for little error with other channels being unwantedly saved in a pallet...
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