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When I was teaching we did exactly that - got a coffin that was bashed up and unsaleable. When we unscrewed it, they'd glued in a pair of workmens boots to the bottom! Undertakers do have a sense of humour - they just can't show it to the public.


For what it's worth, it did have all the handles and posh bits removed as they could be used again, but the actual carcass was great and cost (if I remember correctly) about £25 if we collected it.

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Can't you find a second hand one????




We did Haloween specials at a miniature railway with a second hand coffin, that is, it had been used to transport somebody back from abroad where they had died, but the family back home wanted to use the coffin of their choice. The body I hasten to add was within a metal box (may even have been lead) within the coffin, so it's maybe not quite as gruseome as it first appears!


Other alternative is lots of MDF!!!


Buy cheap ornate metal door handles, spray them gold if they aren't already and a nice dose of decent paint should do the job.


They're used on tv all the time, there must be a few kicking around in hire stores.

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All the undertakers in your area will have a wicked sense of humour at the appropriate time. They will also have coffins and caskets made up and lots of kit form ones. I Know! I used to work for one as a photographer years ago.


The local wholesaler may well have a damaged few parts that you could get cheaply. Cheap boxes really are made of immitation laminated fibreboard. The sides are 7ft straights with only the veneer un cut in the area of the curve then the "maker" can take a few bits and flex then into shape.

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Slightly OT but when we did Oliver a few years ago we borrowed a coffin from a local undertaker. They dropped it off for us and left it just inside the stage door and helpfully put the lights out. I walked in and fell over, and more or less into, the coffin. I twisted my ankle in the process and ended up in hospital. Much amusement was had by everyone else. So, Safety First!
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