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SAE - Film Making

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First of all, I saw the topic from Zac Coupe, and I just had to create this one!


I am currently living just outside of Glasgow and am VERY interested in the film industry. I have seen these courses and got quite exited!





I am only 14 (I know it is early to be asking, but we are being encouraged to look into courses etc. just now!)


Ultimately I would like to set up my own film making business / go freelance. Once again, I know it is very early to be thinking about this sort of stuff, but I am really that much into it!


I was basically wondering what your views are on this course, and courses that are similar?




Thanks in advance…



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These kind of courses are almost the top end courses that you can do in this industry. These would be ample for small venue work etc.


What you need to do at your age is get yourself known in local venues, at school etc and help out with technical wherever possible. Gain as much experience as you can. There are mainstream university courses that would also amply cover you..





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That is one very nice perk!


Okay, so this is something that has been on my mind for a while.


I have a visual impairment and I was wondering how/if this would effect employment in this industry. I mean, I know that there are things like the disability discrimination act, but just because it is illegal to steal doesn't mean that people don't do it!

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Your concerns are probably justified.... just because there's legislation forbidding discrimination on the grounds of disability, doesn't mean to say that it doesn't take place.

However, what I think you should find, is a much improved attitude in the further and higher education sector.

Although you have mentioned the SAE course, film and video is a very popular university subject, and you will find hundreds of courses, with thousands of variants. Although you do not actually need a further/higher education to work in this area, (as evidenced by the recurring debate held here in the Blue Room!) it is generally accepted that higher level qualifications will help you not just in the short term, but also as a demonstration of your educational and learning skills for your longer term career.


College and University admissions departments and course tutors are now quite good at working with students with disabilities, and as long as you tick the disability box on your UCAS application, you should receive the support and course adaptations you need. Naturally, it doesn't change the academic requirements of the course!


For courses, have a search here...


With regards to industry... well, you will eventually need to show that you can do the job - whatever that may be. Sometimes, that means adaptation, sometimes it means educating people as to what your needs and coping strategies are. You may have to work harder, but it sounds like you have a passion for the subject, so do work hard at it! Do build up a portfolio of work, do take every opportunity for practical experience and to deepen your understanding of the subject. Do choose your school subjects carefully, and do the best you can. Finally, you may want to consider the college / University route. I've nothing against SAE, but there's a wealth of choice out there, and you will gain more than just subject specific knowledge in post school education.


Good luck!



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Thank you Simon,


That was very helpful! (and strangely inspirational!)


... and the UCAS site has and shall come in very useful and takes pride of place in my favourites!! :P Don't know why I hadn't found it before!





Once more, thank you.



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There is a mainly American web site dvinfo that had huge membership, and covers all forms of video from amateur to professional. You have to do some serious reading to pick out the good stuff, but worth a read. There are also large amounts of reading material - at the library - dealing with the topic of media and film studies.


The term film making is very, very wide. As Simon says, it's covered at plenty of universities, so is a known subject, but often gets threaded into sub-genres. You also need to work out if you are a technical person or a 'film-maker'. If you want to make real films, then its a difficult field. Technology moves faster in that area than it does it ours. With lighting, for example, you can buy an old lighting desk and use it - buying old production equipment is dangerous until you know what you're doing.


The weird thing is that many people shoot on a really cheap camera, learn to edit on a freebie editor, and produce really good stuff, others have superb kit and produce rubbish. Once you've learned how to edit shots together, things get better very quickly.


The SAE course seems to be a hands on, intensive programme but without a formal qualification - like their audio programmes were a few years ago. I suspect it won't be long before a degree gets attached!

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