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working in nigeria


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Firstly may I wish a Happy New Year to all of you.




I have been asked to work on a job in Lagos Nigeria setting up LED screens and vision mixing. The job will be for 19 days and all my expenses will be paid for. 5 star hotel


Having Google Lagos I have found it not to be the most safes of places I am wondering what my daily rate should be?


all input welcome.



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What is your daily rate normally?? Are you planning on increasing it due to Nigeria's location as the 2nd most dangerous country in the world.....

As regards Nigeria I would suggest doing your homework very carefully,I have not been so cannot comment directly but was asked to work out there and did a bit of research,other than the fact the country is very unstable,has many and varied health risks including Avian flu,malaria, typhoid, massive HIV infection with approx 6% of the population infected

Please do not get me wrong everybody makes choices about work but I would do a little more research than a quick google as this is not the sort of country you take lightly...I suppose some people like a challenge, good luck and please bring a camera and post some pictures on your return.

Safe travels.


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Before deciding to accept you should contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for latest advice. Currently the FCO advises against all travel to parts of Nigeria - so Lagos is probably safe but you should not travel elsewhere in the country without seeking official advice.


Latest online info is here along with the contact details of the Travel Advice Unit - in case you have any more specific questions.


Best of luck



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Hey Sparkiemarc,

I've just comeback from doing a couple of gigs in Lagos and Abuja (December). It was my first time out there and in a similar situation as you (5 Star hotel, all paid for etc).


Let me just say Lagos, it's an eye opening experience! Very humid due to it's position near the lagoon so you might need to get used to that. It's not a specifically dangerous place to be but it is very corrupt; very over populated, there's a lack of law and it can be unbelievable to see some of the things that happen over there. We, as a crew, were not allowed to walk anywhere we wanted basically and were driven to and from places all the time in a blacked out 4 x 4!


Pay wise, this depends if you are with a company out there. I'm guessing you are and so you'd need to ask them roughly how much you are working for or if give them a specific amount. I got paid (as an assistant LD) more or less the normal wage of what I'd get on an outdoor gig in the UK but was only paid on the days of the actual gig, because flights and accomodation had been paid for by the company.


If you want any more info give me a shout. I posted a thread somewhere on BR (along the lines of 'starting from the basics') but my internet is being stoopid and I can't get a certain amount of pages.


One thing though. If you are going to do the job, you need your Yellow Fever vacination as soon as possible. It comes with a 'certificate' that may need handed over in Nigeria but is only valid 10 days after the vacination. Luckily they never asked for mine and got through immigrations with still 2 days to wait.

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Check the FCO and CIA factbook sites for info. Check with your insurers, medical and travel. Are you being tour bussed when there or left to fend for yourself? Don't even think of bringing anything back unless it is yours. This is a world drug trade hub.


My bro-in-law goes to India for his firm his rules state that he is not to use water that HE hasnt sterilised, he may only eat in the 5+ star hotel. Anything that touches his lips (cups glasses cutlery etc) HE has to sanitise with UK supplied wipes and UK supplied tissues. He has now been twice without ill effect but several of his world colleagues have had as much as 3 months in hospital after drinking the water. Even the local managers miss meetings because THEY get the bugs too!


This will be an experience on a Saigon/Beruit/Gaza level

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