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3 pin dmx cables


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As well as the fact that you should really try looking for the answers to your questions in the obvious places before asking for help on a forum like this, you should probably bear in mind that the title of your topic is something of an oxymoron. There's no such thing as 3-pin DMX cable - it's either DMX cable which has 5-pin connectors (and therefore meets the DMX512 standard), or it's data cable which has 3-pin connectors and is therefore non-compliant with current standards.


Yes, I know, we've covered this ground before - but the sooner people stop calling 3-pin cable 'DMX', the easier it'll be for people taking their first steps in the industry to realise what is and isn't 'proper' DMX.

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What suprises me about this forum is how quick people are to correct people, I dont think that some of you understand that not eveyone is a pro on here. I for one am a bedroom dj type person whos interest is DMX lighting in my spare time.


DMX cables of the type I'm looking for are advertised on the websites pointed out above as 3 pin DMX cables.


I would also like to point out that I have looked in several places, maplins etc for cables and the reason for this post was to see if anyone recommended a company or website to use based on previous purchase experience due to my basic knowledge in this area.


Comments like the above certainly do not make people on my level feel welcome and its almost like saying "if your not a pro your not welcome here!"


Everyone else who replied to my post knew what I was refering to and therefore I think it was wrong of you to tell me that I should be looking in the obvious places, I am computer literate and not a complete imbicel and do you not think that I have checked out the "obvious" places before putting up a new post?


Thank you.

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whoa - hang on Richard. As you say, we're a pro forum (sometimes) and you've got your terminology a bit mixed up. It probably doesn't matter, but when technical people speak technical talk in the wrong manner it does need sorting. I think you've misunderstood DMX. You say you're interested in DMX lighting? I suspect none of us are. We're VERY interested in lighting. DMX is just a protocol for connecting kit together It's kind of like saying I'm interested in SP/DIF sound - SP/DIF being the audio 'version' of DMX.



Gareth's covering old ground - we've discussed this over and over again - so it does show that you've not yet discovered the benefits of trawling through the old stuff. Typing DMX into the search box gives so much stuff you can't read it all.



What we mean is that Googling for the 'wrong' thing won't bring up the correct answers - will it?



DMX cable is one particular thing - 110Ohm data cable, often used to connect DMX equiped fixtures. 3 Pin XLR fitted cables 'should' be audio, although many of us have good success using them for DMX links - if the cable is decent enough, DMX is pretty well tough enough. proper DMX (to the spec) should have 5 pin connections, but some manufacturers just went with 3 pin which has irked us for ages!


Terminology, and the correct use of it is crucial to getting the right answers. I realise you feel got at, but we are a bitchy precise and pedantic lot sometimes - I often think there are few Blue Room members I'd invite home for tea, but they do know their stuff!

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If you look past the 'tone' that some messages appear to have (bearing in mind that it's hard to communicate such nuances over a forum), you'll find that there's generally good advice in the post that you can learn from.


In fairness I'm not a pro, and I've never been made to feel unwelcome. Any question I've ever asked has usually been answered politely and thoroughly, and I've learnt from it. And I've never once had the 'problems' that other people (mainly other students/young people) seem to have and complain about. Maybe it's just a question of how you ask, and doing your research/looking for yourself before you ask :unsure:




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I can appreciate your comments Paul but when you put it across the way you do it is more constructive.


I am very interested in intelligent lighting actually, it is an area I would like to go further into in my life I.e job wise but im not ready to yet.


Sometimes its not the point of putting things across I am happy for someone to correct me if im wrong but its sometimes how it is put across. When I read the reply I thought I was being talked down to.


I know there are a few people on here who do know there stuff but sometimes replys to my posts have been far from constructive, almost, "what the hell are you asking that for"

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Hi, welcome to the forum!

What suprises me about this forum is how quick people are to correct people

You asked for advice. There was an (all too common) misapprehension in your question. Someone pointed that out. Would you rather they had let you continue in ignorance? You (and hopefully several others) have learned something.


DMX cables of the type I'm looking for are advertised on the websites pointed out above as 3 pin DMX cables.

By definition, that is wrong.

I would also like to point out that I have looked in several places, maplins etc for cables and the reason for this post was to see if anyone recommended a company or website to use based on previous purchase experience due to my basic knowledge in this area.


Any decent supplier of lighting equipment will be able to supply the products you're looking for. There are a number of them listed in the "lighting FAQ", albeit in a second-hand context, and under Component Suppliers.

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If you look past the 'tone' that some messages appear to have (bearing in mind that it's hard to communicate such nuances over a forum), you'll find that there's generally good advice in the post that you can learn from.


In fairness I'm not a pro, and I've never been made to feel unwelcome. Any question I've ever asked has usually been answered politely and thoroughly, and I've learnt from it. And I've never once had the 'problems' that other people (mainly other students/young people) seem to have and complain about. Maybe it's just a question of how you ask, and doing your research/looking for yourself before you ask :unsure:





I do look into things before I ask but putting in a google search 3 pin DMX cable doesnt bring any results up and considering the search facility on this site uses google I assumed because google hadnt returned any posts linking to this site then there was nothing about it.

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I was simply advising you of the facts surrounding the issue of 3-pin and 5-pin data cable, and what does/doesn't fall within current standards. I was hoping you might digest what I wrote and learn a little something from it, something which might just turn out to be a little bit of use to you in your future in the business. If you want to take it on board and file it away for future reference, then great, I'm glad to have been a little bit of help to you. If you want to be super-sensitive and interpret my words as "attitude" ... well, quite frankly I couldn't care less. It's your loss, not mine.


As others have pointed out, data cable (standards-compliant or otherwise) is a basic commodity for the lighting industry, and as such pretty much any supplier, large or small, would be able to quote you a price on it. The fact that your post indicates that you were too lazy to contact any of these suppliers and find out the prices for yourself isn't really doing you any favours, you know. Wouldn't it have been a more useful exercise to ring (or even look on the websites of) one or two of the bigger suppliers (Stage Electrics, AC Lighting, White Light for example - all of whom have online webshops or pricelists)? Perhaps they wouldn't have listed the exact product you were after (6m isn't really what you'd call a standard length), but you could probably have used the prices for the 'stock' lengths to work out a rough price for what you want.


But hey, you'll probably just interpret that comment as "attitude" as well, and get the hump and ignore it. Ask me if I care ....

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To be fair, let the professional stand up who hasn't said - just once - "pass me that 3 pin DMX cable please"...


It's wrong, but it's not exactly an uncommon occurrence. Blame Martin lighting; they may make cool fixtures, but this three pin malarkey is entirely their fault.

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THe fact is Gareth that I dont know the bigger suppliers, as I pointed out Maplins, or the occasional disco suppliers that google returns, have given me quotes all of what seem to be very expensive. Yes I know Maplins isn't a proper supplier but I have bought stuff in the past from there none of which was very good quality hence me requesting information on here.


You're wrong by saying that I'm too lazy to contact them for quotes, how can I contact them if I dont know they exist!

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You're wrong by saying that I'm too lazy to contact them for quotes, how can I contact them if I dont know they exist!


Sorry to jump in here, BUT...


5 minutes on Google brings up:




JP Leisure


These are just the first three obvious choices from the hit list.


THEN, had you searched the BR, you'd have found references to CPC, Thomann, Maplin, RS, 10 out of 10, Stage Electrics, White Light and most likely a HOST of other suppliers.


Depending on where you are, what you use, and what your buying power is will maybe dictate where you could get the best price for the cables you want.




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