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Mirror maze theme

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I am trying create a mirror room effect for a big club night that is coming up in our venue.

The theme is "Swaps" so all the punters will be swapping items of clothing.

I have been asked to try and dress the room appropriately!

Ive had an idea of putting mirrors everywhere or making some kind mirror maze.

Has anyone ever done anything like this before and if so where might I hire mirrors from.

If anyone has any ideas/comments they would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks

Sam :oops:

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Mirror mazes are cool but often require quite large numbers of large mirrors! I once teched a show where the director wanted mirrored walls for a box set and found a sticky back roll of mirror 'stuff' (think it was some sort of plastic sheeting with a mirrored finish. Don't know where it came from but it was similar in style to mirror silver (LEE Filters - 271) used for reflecting lighting. Gave a slightly sharper reflection though from memory. something like that might work if you made a basic maze from wooden panels and then attached lots of mirrored material.


Another thought is that you can get mirror mazes on travelling fairgrounds - maybe you could find a company that can hire you a trailer with a mirror maze on and then build a covered walkway through to it. Depends what your access is like I suppose - www.wantafunfair.com have one for example.


All sounds very expensive though - hope the ticket prices are going to be high to cover it!

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to be blunt, you havn't got the budget to do it properly.


A proper mirror maze is a no-no for a club environment - you havn't got the space and disorienting mirror labarynth + drunk people = nightmare. There are people that hire them out but it's pricy.


Check around some of the funfair and event hire companies and you might be able to rent in some "crazy mirrors" (the bendy distorting ones) that you could set up but even then you're going to be spending £500 quite easily for very very basic setup.


If you're handy with a Jigsaw and have time you could make your own "crazy mirrors" - go hunting for "Mirrored HIPS" which is a mirror plastic that you can heat and then form in to shapes, mount those in to frames / on to backboards and affix them to your walls and they'll be strong enough to last for a couple of events.

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Don't know where it came from but it was similar in style to mirror silver (LEE Filters - 271) used for reflecting lighting. Gave a slightly sharper reflection though from memory. something like that might work if you made a basic maze from wooden panels and then attached lots of mirrored material.
Hey -

I need to make 4 columns as high as the pros arch, covered on each side with a diferent surface - one is shards of mirror, for another the director wants to use frosted mirror (ive never come across this) etc...

The columns need to be able to revolve and to stand upright, so I need light materials, especially for whatever the surfaces are going to be mounted on. Any ideas?



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I will have a budget of about £600.

I think a mirror maze is now a bad idea in club!! (safety, fire etc)

But the Lee reflective stuff sounds interesting.

Thanks for peoples opinions.


Good idea to give up trying to get drunks safe in a maze of any kind. http://www.theplasticshop.co.uk has supplies of that plastic mirrory stuff but if you have a local "scrapstore" and a friendly member you could try there.

Once did a kind of "airlock" entry to a gig lit by UV and completely mirrored....had to station someone there to catch punters wobbling around...and they were on the way in!

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  • 3 years later...

Dear All,


I am working on music video. I wish to have the entire action for the video going on in a mirror maze. So, I need to build one. Does anybody have the idea how can I make it ? I will have one camera, and only one person in all shots ... I am not sure about a lightning yet, I will think about it when I start making the set/mirror maze itself ...


thank you in advance

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