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HPL lamps


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And <coughs> for those <more coughs> copies/knock-offs of the S4 range! :oops:
The only people this makes happy are lawyers. I don't like happy lawyers.
I'm afraid I'm reasonably happy with this, too! Whilst I have half a dozen pukka S4 Pars, I also have in theatre's inventory a dozen or so copies - bought I hasten to add from a reputable source - that serve us well.

The fact that there is presumably still some sort of legal battle against the (Chinese?) knock-off artistes is irrelevent to the end users like us. Whether there is a moral issue to be considered is another story, but one I'd challenge - there are few of us who've NOT used a Chinese (or other) copy of something somewhere along the line...!

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I'd go as far as to say that the only people it doesn't make happy are the ones who paid for the original research, design and advertising. The Chinese (or whatever) company makes money and lots of venues, technicians and designers get to use a quality and quantity of kit they otherwise might not be able to. After all what percentage of the worlds market can actually afford high end western prices? OK so we all know it's evil and is killing the industry (like tapes killed off music) but I don't think you can claim they don't benefit a lot of people in the short term at least.
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Put the question the other way: is there a list of substitute bulbs for the HPLs which are not always easy to find?

No. The HPL has the fitted heatsink which is, as I understand it, part of the patented design.

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At least one manufacturer used to produce removable heatsinks that allowed you to use their standard GY9.5 lamps in them however for reasons best known to ETC and the manufacturers I don't think anyone still does.
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if memory serves me right the lamp was a GKV with a "sink", I beleive that when the HPL fisrt came out it was quiet expencive compared to other lamps on the market at the time, but as time went by and the S4 changed the market, the lamps came down in price, hence people used more HP'sL not GKV 's

as far as I know nobody still make the Sink (correct me if I am wrong)

I supose the sink is still useful if you want to balance a SL or similar and S4 rig to the same colour.

hope this helps

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