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Has anyone noticed the set.


I particulary like the screens behind that have all the images moving across them.


Must say though the lights they use dont appear to do much, just occasionaly flash slowly but dont really do anything when they are singing.

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... those horrible scrolling banners displaying the artist's (probably too kind a word for a bunch of wannabes) name all around the studio.


Ye totaly agree they look abit old too.


I like the screen door(if any one watches) when the wannabe comes on stage they walk through a pannel door which is like a big screen...

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Nearly same set as last year(dry ice for every slow song). Any ideas what moving heads they where using they looked great I think, very bright and the beams looked very tight on a few scenes, like there was a iris or shutter effect or maybe it was the new clay pakys with the blades effect.
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I think they are just standard moving heads with iris type shutter.


What is a 'standard moving head'?! I'm fairly sure that any unit at this end of the market will have separate dimmer, shutter and iris all for different uses. It is quite rare for an iris to be used as a shutter.


I can't answer the question since I actively avoid this sort of TV, but this response just bothered me. These details in fixtures are important.

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I noticed that at the end of the singer singing the lights would change direction, flash for a bit then change direction again and point at the floor at an angle across the floor, then the shutter appeared to come in a few times, was if it was blinking slowly.
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Moderation: QUALITY CONTROL - The mods have let this one run a bit to see if any factual data would emerge, but it hasn't. As such, we're closing it for the present. If anyone has something to add that will let the topic develop, please let any mod know and it can be re-opened, but for present, it's run it's course and is closed.
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Moderation: QUALITY CONTROL - The mods have let this one run a bit to see if any factual data would emerge, but it hasn't. As such, we're closing it for the present. If anyone has something to add that will let the topic develop, please let any mod know and it can be re-opened, but for present, it's run it's course and is closed.


In the interests of factual data:


X Factor's moving lights are supplied by PRG, the 'TV' conventionals are in house from Fountain studios where it's made. It's been at Fountain all 4 years it's happened, and I've been moving light crew chief all that time too (yes I know...)


The beams are from VL3000 spots, and there are VL3000 washes also. We also have some VL6c+, 4 High Grounds, 2 Novaflowers, 54 pixel pars (all with Lee 225 behind the bezel to calm them down for TV), 36 Pixelline (again with L225 inside the front), several ACLs (running 4 to a channel thus in series with a 110v 1000w load lamp). There are also Source 4 revolutions (w/ shutter and iris modules & custom scrolls) and VL1000AS for extra key and back light.


Control is from 2 Vector Green (operators' own), and a Vector blue (operator's own) running several Hippotiser media servers.


Set is largely the same as last year - mostly because it was spectacularly expensive - and think how environmentally friendly it is to 're-use'.


LED screen last year was Toshiba 6mm. This year is Barco 6mm with some 10mm behind the entrance doors. Also several acres of O-lite, and about 1000 linear metres (3000 strips!) of LED strip called Schnick Schnack doing the colour changing light boxes. This lot is being supplied this year by XL video.


Lighting a show like this is tricky at the best of times. Trying to please the director, posse of producers, exec producers, creative director and Simon Cowell makes for a very delicate balancing act. This adds more difficulty to the nature of this sort of show being mostly close-ups. Big lighting moves and looks invariably work best on a wide - which are very rare, and not always when the director said they would be in rehearsal.

These things make it very difficult to 'improve what the moving heads do next week' without it looking like a train wreck behind the close-up (where 80% of the show is shot).


Feel free to ask about anything I've missed.





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Well, Dave, I for one feel this response is an excellent reply to the OP!

And more importantly a lesson in being careful what we say!! You never know WHO is in the background on a forum like this one!! :) :huh: :D

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