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Guidance on lighting career...

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Just looking for some guidance in the right direction and any information you could give me.


I'm currently an 18yr old apprentice electrician on my level 3 C&G 2390 which I will have completed June/July 2008, also at the weekend I work with my dad as a mobile DJ which I really enjoy.


I have always wanted to get into lighting in the theaters but never know where to start and how to go about it...


I was thinking maybe go down to my local theater and asking them how I go about it but I'm not to sure on what qualifications are needed..


If qualifications are needed can someone give me abit of info on them and are theses course ran at colleges or university?


I'm pretty limited due to where I live atm (Barrow-In-Furness) but I drive so that’s not much of a problem now.


So if you can point me in the right direction that would be great!



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This link gives you a full list of all the kit in Forum Twenty Eight, together with the technical manager's name and contact number. Make an appointment, have a good read before you go and ask lots of relevant questions when you get there.


Good luck.

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Hey thanks a lot for that!


Can I just a quick question.. would I be best to take a course in stage lighting? Would it be worth it to give me more experience or would it be best to get hands on somewhere if possible?


Thanks again,


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It's a bit late to be thinking of starting a course in this academic year, so get some experience under your belt and apply next year. Besides which you need to finish your C&G 2390, there's nothing worse on a CV than "Abandoned C&G because I found something more interesting to do".


Go and visit your local performance space and see if you can get some casual evening or weekend work. If you appear to the Technical Manager to be as enthusiastic as you sound here, you can't fail. However, if you don't have any success there then think about joining a local amateur dramatic group whilst you finish your C&G. There's bound to be several around your location.


Edited for spelling

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This advice is what I've learned and I'd tell anyone in the industry.


Work hard.

Accept the hours without question or complaint.

Show that you want to learn.

Show enthusiasm.

Learn how to talk to clients.

Listen to bosses, even if they are wrong.

Learn to understand what work mode is best in what situation.

Learn to be firm when it's necessary (with clients and with bosses, however this is very dangerous if your wrong before your firm so be sure first)


Its all I do and its doing me wonders.

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Thanks for the replies, it helps a lot.

I'm going to get in touch and hopefully arrange a time to go and have a talk and take things from there.


Ye I will be looking to finish my C&G off as you say not a good thing to have on CV.. and it's another qualification under my belt.


Been there done that before 'Listen to bosses, even if they are wrong.'


I'll let yas know how I get on.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Been along time but some good news :P


Went along last night and had a talk and it really seems like somthing I want to to in the future... going again tonight.


Like the guy said start off at a low point and work your way up, and when theres free time to have a 'play' with a learn some of the controls.


Thanks alot for the addvice, very grateful for it all!



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I got into the industry through doing a bit of voluntary work at a theatre while I was at school and college. I guess at 18 your best bet is trying to get a bit of casual work in theatre, most of them employ casuals even if they have little previous experience.
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Hi Carlos


It's great you are getting experience at the local theatre but what kind of lighting work do you want to do? This is something you should think about whilst gaining experience.


Is it the operational side of the work you are interested in or is it design? Which field do you want to work in - theatre or perhaps rock'n'roll?


Once you've done some work and had a think about this you may be clearer about your options in terms of further training etc





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Ye thanks alot of things to think about probably the operational side of things.


At the moment I'm doing abit of lighting and sound, so it's giving me the experience in all areas I guess.




Really enjoying it...


Thanks again! :wall:



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Hey Carlos,


You're post sounded pretty similar to mine. Or at least you seem to be asking the same question I was thinking when I came here. By no means have I properly got into this industry. A thing I would very much like to do.


The Electrician Qualification sounds great I wish I had that.


One thing I'm not sure has been mensioned or that you've read it somewhere is to try and be put on the 'Casual List' for your Local Theatres.


It's Panto Season soon enough and so I'm sure your local theatres are looking for people like yourself.


Good Luck

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