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RS-232 relay controller


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Possibly verging on the <_<...


I've got a requirement for a simple RS232-controlled mic mute circuit. I'm not wanting to go for anything as sophisticated as a fully-controllable mixer. So what I'm looking for is a cheap module with RS232 input and either a single logic line or relay output. Has anyone come across anything like this?

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Possibly verging on the :off:...


I've got a requirement for a simple RS232-controlled mic mute circuit. I'm not wanting to go for anything as sophisticated as a fully-controllable mixer. So what I'm looking for is a cheap module with RS232 input and either a single logic line or relay output. Has anyone come across anything like this?


What's your timescale? It shouldn't be hard to knock up something like that in a few days.

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RS232 is usually serial output from a PC.

An alternative to consider is the IEEE-488 parallel printer port, with low voltage sensitive relays you can switch up to 10 controls, though control of the port can be complicated by the "no answer" from a printer symptom, under DOS Basic you could POKE.. under Windows etc your stuck without drivers since the OS does not allow such "fidlling". Details of the PORT abound on Internet. Using Linux, not investigated yet...


I prepared a show with speaker switching for Sound effects for a 2 week nativity scene using a parallel port, however due the danger of nearby pyrotechnics we abandoned the idea because of the potential damage to the PC and we could not find adequate audio reproduction facilities at the time.


Keep us informed of progress.

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Thanks for all the responses. I know of the procon units - good kit (we use a lot of procon at work) but probably overkill for what I need here....


When I was posting this, I was thinking "I bet dbuckley will know of something" :P

Thanks David & Paul - the B&B and Pencom units look like they might do the job, and at that price it's hardly worth trying to build one from scratch... although I might be giving you a call sometime, mr boatman, if I run out of ideas...


Parallel port is a good idea, but for this particular application it's not suitable - the application software has the ability to drive several devices; a generic rs232 device being one of them, but no parallel.


Thanks everyone for your responses.



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