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yellow cee form connectors


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I am manufacturing some control panels for my CM hoists. Can anyone direct me to a supplier of:


straight male yellow 3-pin panel mounting connector (not angled)


I don't need large quantities, only about 8 pieces.



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From CEE Norm


Straight Panel Mounting Appliance Inlet IP44




Straight Panel Mounting Appliance Inlet IP44




Straight Panel Mounting Appliance Inlet IP67


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straight male yellow 3-pin panel mounting connector
Thought motor control cable all need to be done with 4pin yellow's these days? Something to do with making sure 110v site power lines don't get used accidentally <_< (as if anyone would do that...)


Not to be a picky git, just saw it in the Wiki somewhere a while back, can't find it now though, typical!


Either way, if you do ending up requiring 4pins, any of the well known connector manufacturers should do them.. to get you started, here's the correct one from ceenorm





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straight male yellow 3-pin panel mounting connector
Thought motor control cable all need to be done with 4pin yellow's these days? Something to do with making sure 110v site power lines don't get used accidentally <_< (as if anyone would do that...)


Not to be a picky git, just saw it in the Wiki somewhere a while back, can't find it now though, typical!


Either way, if you do ending up requiring 4pins, any of the well known connector manufacturers should do them.. to get you started, here's the correct one from ceenorm






True enough for new hoists, but I don't think you're required to change your old ones over. The controller is for an existing set of hoists.


That said, your risk assessment might suggest that it's a good idea....

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Can anyone direct me to a supplier

Are you looking for a supplier in Israel? Most posters here are UK based, and the general assumption is that you're in the UK unless you say otherwise (or put your location in your profile).


True enough for new hoists, but I don't think you're required to change your old ones over. The controller is for an existing set of hoists.

That said, your risk assessment might suggest that it's a good idea....


Thats exactly it, last I heard. You can keep the old connectors on existing systems subject to risk assessment.* (ie: How likely is it that some gimp will try to run a power tool off the handy outlet that seems to have been fitted to your CM's - and what control measures you have in place to prevent that. - If you work with anyone that stupid I suggest euthanasia, but I digress... <_< )


That said, all new CM's are supplied with 4pin connectors rather than 3, have been for a while now, and all the major hire companies' stock reflects this. Safety aside, if it isn't hideously difficult to change over, it'd be worth doing to come into line with the rest of the world (and any kit you may hire in the future).


* edit: Though, I note the OP talks about manufacturing some new kit. Continuing to use the old kit is one thing, but I think manufacturing new kit to the obsolete standard is something else again, I think you'd have a very tough time justifying the use of 3pin connectors in a brand new control system.




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Tidbit to add to Seano's comments:


http://www.blue-room.org.uk/wiki/Ceeform << Paragraph about motor control. Nothing to do with the fact that a power tool could be plugged into a motor controller.. oh no no no.. it was because the earth pin was being use for something other than earth. <_<


Hmm, last time I looked (yesterday actually :)..) the 'outlets' on the back of a motor controller were male.. (4pin 16a/mains ceeform was female, obviously). So I guess you couldn't plug your power tools into one.


Anywho, do I know any suppliers in Israel.. Erm, no. I best shut up then!



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I am manufacturing some control panels for my CM hoists. Can anyone direct me to a supplier of:


straight male yellow 3-pin panel mounting connector (not angled)


I don't need large quantities, only about 8 pieces.





Thank you all for your replies,


I am actually looking for a supplier in the UK or anywhere in the world or the Internet. I didn't find this connector in Israel.


Regarding switching to 4 pin connectors, I have 10 CM hoists, all with the 3 pin connector, so it seems logical to me to use this connector. If I will not find the straight connector, I will use the angled one (which I did find in RS).


Thanks again,

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The three pin/ four pin thing is purely a CE thing so you could argue that outside the EU you don't have to follow the same standards as I understand it. Purely your choice however in the EU any inspection company worth its salt would flag 3 pin control plugs in an inspection.
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