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MP3 Batch Re-encoding


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Does anyone know of a good open-source or freeware tool for batch-encoding MP3 files? I have a whole bunch that I want to convert from 320kbps to 192 (for space reasons). At the moment I'm using Audacity to do them one by one, but it's as tedious as a tedious thing. If it helps, a suitable plug-in for Soundforge would be another option ...



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I use All to MP3 Converter


Its not freeware but there is a demo, I dont know what restrictions there are on it.


It runs from the windows context menu, right click a group of files and it appears on the menu. Its a handy little program to have.



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Have just checked, dBPoweramp now has LAME bundled, and the free version will batch convert to mp3 quite happily.

For 30 days. Then you have to pay for it. I don't quite get that - I already have LAME encoder (which is a free download) being used by Audacity and CDEx, but if I want to use it with dBPoweramp I have to pay.

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less hassle

My preferred option. ;)


Foobar looks like it might be quite useful - will attempt to find time at some point in the next few days to have a fiddle with it (and see whether it's going to ask me for any money!).

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I already have LAME encoder (which is a free download) being used by Audacity and CDEx, but if I want to use it with dBPoweramp I have to pay.


When I downloaded my copy of LAME (which admittedly was a while ago) it came with the RazorLame front end which does batch conversion.





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Thinking out of the box here...


...If you're running Windows or Mac OS X then you could install iTunes, import the files to the library (ensure iTunes doesn't copy to its own central location if space is a problem - just have it manage the library and leave files where they are). Then set the default importing format to MP3 and adjust the bit-rate to suit. When you select and right-click on one or more items from this list, you'll have the option to "convert to MP3" - which in this case will re-encode. You'll end up with two copies of each song, and you'll need to experiment to find out where the re-encoded material ends up.


This is both free and manageable however, and it's the kind of thing we do all the time to manage our recorded media library (why buy in dedicated software when a consumer-product does it so well, is so familiar and is free?).


I've probably not explained my thinking very well so do ask questions!

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Kinda liking the iTunes idea! Wasn't aware that it could do that. It's a piece of software I already have and use extensively, it's free, it isn't going to limit what I can do because I haven't paid for it, it isn't going to nag me for money ... fab! Nice one, Solstace!
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