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Really cheap, really good headset mics


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It's not often I get impressed with cheap audio products - but I thought I'd share this bit of info.

3390 series headsets


These are very similar to DPAs and visually not much different - but less than £40 inc VAT.


The link is a special offer link they do quite often and I had one - not really even taken seriously when ordering.


Last night we had a visiting show in with DPAs and today we had a typical chaotic dance show - who suddenly wanted a pile of headset mics. I had a few cheap Trantecs and the cheap special offer one. The Trantecs were their usual harsh selves, but the eq from last nights DPA was still in the desk, and to my ears it sounds identical. Great gain before feedback and really nice tone. Compared with the Trantecs, they are invisible. They're pretty immune to poor fitting too - bunging it on a stream of different sized kids was painless. I've just ordered some more, and thought I'd share this one despite being a blatant plug for them. There's no way I could have used a 'name' headset with a show like this. I cut off the 3.5mm plug and put on a Trantec lemo to match the packs - but spotted when I put the order in that there are quite a few plug versions, including a 3.5mm screw on version.


MIC-1000 ... Omni single Ear-hook type avail with 3.5mm, locking 3.5mm, mini XLR 3 pole or mini XLR 4 pole

(MP3389947 thru MP3390247)


MIC-2000 ... Omni Fixed headset type avail with 3.5mm, locking 3.5mm, mini XLR 3 pole or mini XLR 4 pole

(MP3390347 thru MP3390647) - the version I have.



light brown=pink/beige/flesh

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Thanks for the tip, Paul.


The Chinese (which is where these are from) are making some excellent microphones these days but the problem tends to be consistancy from one unit to another. However, at this price, you can afford to buy a few to mix and match!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Paul, All,


Have you / anyone used these headset mics with a Sennheiser G2 transmitter? I'm guessing that the transmitter is able to supply the required bias voltage, but I cannot find the relevant info on the Sennheiser page, and the CPC headset "appears" to need 10v... although the next page suggests it might be 1.V ;-)




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hi I've just used 16 with sennheiser g2 tx for a production of we will rock you in sheffield . sounded great and I had no problem getting vocal over the (loud) band . the only problem I had with the was crackling connectors, 4 of them broke or went noisy just above the strain relief on the plug.
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the only problem I had with the was crackling connectors, 4 of them broke or went noisy just above the strain relief on the plug.

With ours?? If so drop me a PM... im interested in feedback of all kinds!


The Voice Technologies products look quite interesting... any idea on prices??


Si - they are designed to work with the Sennheisers and the original samples were tested on my G2 100 series.

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I'm in the middle of a dance show using these things and I'm still happy - although they did break one. I think it was metal fatigue! If I'm anything of a Sherlock Holmes, I would suggest that the designers didn't anticipate somebody bending the arm back and forth over and over again till it snapped - because that's what this one looks like - mangled!
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Actually, I'm very happy with these mics, as were discussed in one of the other threads.

We have managed to 'lose' two recently, but like Paul's - they had 'help'...! !


We had 8 in use last month, and I have two for Chicago this week.

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I bought 20 for a production I just did.


They have been used with Trantec S2000 and S3500 transmitters, and Shure UT, SLX and UHF transmitters.


I was very happy with them for the price, Only complaints were that they don't tend to fit smaller heads particularly well and that they can distort with high levels. (though this was closer to shouting than I would have liked!)





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  • 1 month later...

Can I revise my last post now I've had the microphones for a few weeks.


They are out on the fourth show in the six weeks since I bought them and they have started failing badly.


There appears to be a weak point where the cable enters the head band and 4 of my 20 have already failed - That is 4 failures in 3 days!


Unfortunatly this joint doesn't look accesable so they look like they are unfixable.


At £40 each I know they are cheap but I would have thought that they would have lasted slightly longer than this.


After the run has finished I need to get in touch with CPC to see if they are returnable but when this happens mid show to one of your lead characters it's not good, particularly as they fail in such a noisy way.


Yesterday I had to order 5 more to hopefuly get me through the weekend. - If they don't arrive today I have two shows to go on this run with no more spares, Something I don't bear thinking about at this point....



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An update from me...


We used 10 for a run of 12th Night, and they worked quite well. There was some plosives and slight crackle, but the latter may have been due to the radio system struggling with the aluminium stage, truss, roof system and 360 degree steel & aluminium raked seating...

Used 7 for a carol service, without mishaps.


Both environments were highly reverberant (one had significant background noise), and the use of cheek worn mics gave a marked increase in intelligibility.


I suspect that our units will eventually fail, but with some careful use I hope that they will work for some time yet...



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Luckily my new spares arrived today,


Unluckily one failure was discovered during pre-show mic checks and another appears to have failed mid show.


I'm going to have to talk to CPC on Monday.



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