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old lighting by falks


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I've recently saw in an old school thats getting demolished an old dimmer switchboard in green metal by Falks which I have never heard of before, it is too big for me to rescue does anyone know anything about these, it has pull down levers rather than sliders :D its not even furse. The lights are old very old floods etc.
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I've recently saw in an old school thats getting demolished an old dimmer switchboard in green metal by Falks which I have never heard of before, it is too big for me to rescue does anyone know anything about these, it has pull down levers rather than sliders  its not even furse. The lights are old very old floods etc.


I've recently seen/I recently saw, in an old school that's getting demolished, an old dimmer switchboard in green metal, by Falks whom I have never heard of before. It is too big for me to rescue. Does anyone know anything about these. It has pull down levers rather than sliders. It's not even Furse. The lights are very old floods etc.


Sorry, I tried to resist but that was going to far.

And apologies Graham, nothing personal. I blame the education system. And on that note, what are the government thinking of with this stupid diploma rubbish. It's so French. As you have to be 21 to stand in an election and I believe the youngest MP is 23, the government are remarkably out of touch with the secondary education system as they have been out of it for at least 7 years. They don't have a clue.

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First of all: Blame Jono: Are you feeling a little paranoid there? A mite off-topic, but certainly not anything to worry about. Do you think you over-reacted a touch? Warn levels aren't available to everyone else, but yours is very low...not really sure how you got so paranoid. If we choose to raise your warning level, we will still PM you, as that is our policy. Warn levels are raised for contravening the terms and conditions or the conditions below the "enter new post" box. They're available for everyone to read before they post. There is nothing wrong with the content about education in the post you just made.


Furthermore, if you do have a problem with a decision that's been made in the past, or have a complaint about your treatment by a moderator, you are at liberty to refer to one of the Administrators. That will certainly be considerably more effective and helpful than randomly getting upset on open forum.


Back to the Topic:


There was a post a while back from a guy who is setting up an archive of old lighting control gear - perhaps he can help you with it - try a search on here for "old lighting desks" or something like that. He may even want it off you if it's not still in use.

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There was a post a while back from a guy who is setting up an archive of old lighting control gear - perhaps he can help you with it - try a search on here for "old lighting desks" or something like that.

That's Jason aka jbwilliams. The site for the project is NEET. The core of the collection is from Jim Laws who has handed them over to Jason. The hope is to find somewhere to house them where people can see them.


it is too big for me to rescue


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  • 6 years later...

A very old thread here, but my School in Newcastle had a Falks installation, circa 1964. The stuff was not terribly good design wise and the battens were BC lampholders.


The board was a 21 way slider with projecting handles & golf ball control knobs. No mastering but each channel could be switched to on the master or independent. It used good old Slydlock fuse holders, which spectacularly exploded one day when the insulating bushes ceased to insulate, earthing the main bus bar in the process. I don't remember it as green, more of a gunmetal grey.


I saw another identical board in another school which I think had actually been rescued from mine as it had been built with two halls. Over in Gateshead, I saw a much more elegant design in a large college which had the same slider innards but some form of collective mastering.


I did come across a Falks catalogue but it didn't feature controls, just battens, floods, focus lanterns and shop window lighting.

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Its a mains patch panel, that uses standard 4mm plugs :rolleyes:


The black sockets are dimmer outputs, and the red sockets go to the various 5A sockets around the venue. You patch a dimmer to a socket. The switches at an angle were a switch per socket permitting snap ons and offs for a few channels at a time.


This thing was in the traditional perch position SL.


The white box on the right has sockets that are connected to a switch panel via that "cable" you can see coming out of the white box, so you had a few switches you could use mobile, so you could take a walk down the ladder and peer past the curtains standing next to SM to operate specials.


None of it my doing, but I have to say it did the job, it was as well thought out operationally as this kind of thing can be, but a bit of a safety nightmare; the possibility of shock (and the subsequent fall of several feet onto concrete) was always present, so one always had to have one's wits fully intact.


All gone now; the church hall this was in was pulled down several years ago...

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:rolleyes: If its not too late,can you find out details about the lanterns,i.e. is the rig just floods or are there focus spots? Perhaps you could let me know.Regards Roy, curator of the Derby historical theatre lantern collection.
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I'm surprised that I'm the first one to say this, but this thread needs a picture!

Anything like this?




Done some shows on this monster :rolleyes:



No it wasn't like that, but elements of it are similar. The handles were on much closer centres and they stuck out more. All the knobs were white. They had 0-10 scales around the slots with 2 way & off switches below (& trafolyte circles colour coded around them) with trafolyte labels below and Slydlocks at the bottom.


There was also a cowled board light which had a jewellers cabinet type linear lamp in it.

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That looks like a Strand board I remember one being in a local school when I was a kid and I did the "Snow Queen" and "Wizard of Ozz" on it. You twist the knobs to lock the channels onto the Master shaft.
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