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dmx controller from america


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by luck I have come across someone selling the same lights as I have on ebay. he is in canada, he also has a controller that is pre programmed with lots of shows which is exactly what im wanting, the voltage over there is 120v will I be able to get this to work in the uk. im assuming the controller wil use an transformer plug type thing.


What do I need to get to get this to work over here.

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1: How on earth could he have shows "pre-programmed" that would be of any use to you whatsoever?


2: Without the make or model, we can't tell you whether it will be possible to get it to work over here. In the light of (1), though, why not buy a controller over here?

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Ah, I see. I have a great show I programmed using some Strand SLs. If anyone asks they can have a disk of it. $1100 shipping, mind.




That's sarcasm, by the way. Shows are based on how they look - the programming has to take into account the positioning, number and exact circumstances of the rig. I'll put the next bit in bold for you: The existing programming will look like crap outside of the exact circumstances of the original rig. Which you don't know.


Seriously, learn to program your own shows. Who knows? They might be pretty good.

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right ive now got a proper link to the ebay controller that he is selling.


American DJ Controller


He quoted me for the 4 scanners as he thought I wanted those.


so its only about $50 so all in all I would be paying about £150 for the controller and all the programs all ready setup for my lights.


One question I want to ask though the controller doesnt have a joy stick? How important is that? Pan and tilt are controlled on sliders

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One question I want to ask though the controller doesnt have a joy stick? How important is that? Pan and tilt are controlled on sliders


Have a look around at some proper LX desks and see how many have joysticks... you'll find it's not too many, most use faders, jog wheels or rollers on just X or Y parameters individually. So the absence of a joystick shouldn't impair your ability to use it. In fact, as you're planning on buying a ready programmed one, you shouldn't need the joystick at all. The joysticks traditionally have a terrible resolution and are unusable on cheap desks anyway.


The reason why they put them on is to make them more attractive to the end user who feels they are getting more bang for buck than without one. If you look at the last 3 years worth of Chauvet (Soundlab, Stairville, etc) controllers, the functions have changed very little although they have come with a varity of input devices from faders, to jog wheels to joysticks, each time at slightly greater cost to the end user, whilst essentially doing very little else extra.



I have to question what your useage is? Are you a mobile jock? Or a fledgling lighting op/designer? If its the former then I think you should take the time to learn to program the controller so you can amend things if you need to spot certain areas for certain gigs. If its the latter then you need to be looking higher than the desks you're considering - or prepare to spend the money again in a few months time.

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