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Fane 140 rms HF Drivers


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Hi, I have tried googling for this with no luck. I am after a pair of Fane 140 rms HF Drivers. I know they used to do them not so long ago, but they are not on their website anymore. Do someone know where to get them or suggest an alternative?



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Fane were bought out by Precision Devices after going bust. There's a possibility that certain products have been rationalised in the shake up (e.g. their flat panel range is now with another firm).


The model number doesn't ring a bell, but why not phone them? Some one should have knowledge of past products...

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If you're thinking of the Fane CD140 then it was listed on the new Fane OEM price guide I received in June.

If on the other hand you want them tomorrow you could be disappointed as Fane's delivery schedules (from recent experience) appear to be measured in months rather than weeks at this moment.


For the same price you might want to consider some of the B&C ferrite comp' drivers many of which also have 1.7" coils.

The DE250 springs to mind although it may be slightly more efficient than the CD140 but that wouldn't be a problem if you're designing a passive crossover from scratch.


I should add that 140 rms for a 1" is optimistic or should I say unrealistic at that sort of price - or at all.


Ken Hughes @ Shermann

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For the same price you might want to consider some of the B&C ferrite comp' drivers many of which also have 1.7" coils.

The DE250 springs to mind although it may be slightly more efficient than the CD140 but that wouldn't be a problem if you're designing a passive crossover from scratch.


Ken Hughes @ Shermann



They are actually for a 4 way stereo rig, so will have active cross-overs in the system.

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For the same price you might want to consider some of the B&C ferrite comp' drivers many of which also have 1.7" coils.

The DE250 springs to mind although it may be slightly more efficient than the CD140 but that wouldn't be a problem if you're designing a passive crossover from scratch.


Ken Hughes @ Shermann



They are actually for a 4 way stereo rig, so will have active cross-overs in the system.



In which case try the Fane CD150neo.

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Right OK. If I replace the blown Driver with the same one I have got in the cab at the moment ( I was given these cabs and one was blown already), which are Fane HF100 do you think that they will be powerful enough to go with:


2 x 18" subs @ 1200wrms each

2 x 15" Bass @ 1000wrms each

2 X 12" Mids @ 800wrms each


( these are amplifer powers, the speaker ratings are rated at 2/3rds of these ratings for overhead purposes)

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Right OK. If I replace the blown Driver with the same one I have got in the cab at the moment ( I was given these cabs and one was blown already), which are Fane HF100 do you think that they will be powerful enough to go with:


2 x 18" subs @ 1200wrms each

2 x 15" Bass @ 1000wrms each

2 X 12" Mids @ 800wrms each


( these are amplifer powers, the speaker ratings are rated at 2/3rds of these ratings for overhead purposes)



OK, you've got a few octaves covered in the low and low/mid bands so you're now left with the simple task of extending the response from 800 (+/- 10%) to 14/16k - a CD140 (or HF100) won't do that and survive whatever the specs may say!


As an intermediate fix may I suggest a reasonable 2" driver and horn although in the perfect world you'll still have a hole in the response where you least need it.

Are the 12s horn loaded?


You could eventually add a couple of 8" or maybe just a single horn loaded 8" between the 12s and the 2".

If you don't like 2" drivers use a couple of horn loaded 6.5" and a decent 1" to complete the system.

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The 12" speakers have got Peizo? (sp) a bullet and a horn in them which I am using atm. I just wanted to improve my sound with the Fane HF, but that doesn't seem possible now?! I haven't used These type of horns before and want to get info off people with more experience using them.
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The 12" speakers have got Peizo? (sp) a bullet and a horn in them which I am using atm. I just wanted to improve my sound with the Fane HF, but that doesn't seem possible now?! I haven't used These type of horns before and want to get info off people with more experience using them.



From that reply I'm not entirely sure what to suggest.

In this instance your all-important mid/hi area appears woefully inadequate in comparison to the rest of your kit.

If you still plan to run your system 4 way you'll need something a lot more serious than Piezos and a 1" at the top therefore your

basic starting block should be a 2" compression driver.

What applications do you have in mind for the system?

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The System is for a disco. Yes, its a bit over kill, but we have all been to discos where it sounds naff because the amplifiers are clipping and distorting. This kind of power will prevent me from over-driving, and have loads of headroom at the same time.
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