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Never ending mirror effect

John O'Connor

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We would like to create the effect of having a never ending mirror on stage. For example, when you put one mirror behind your head while standing in front of another mirror and you can see the image going on forever. Or when you point a video camera at a television and the image goes on for infinity. We want to place a large mirror on a wall (preferably upstage centre) and create the effect of an actor looking into it and seeing his reflection go on forever. Any ideas how this could be achieved?


Many thanks



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We would like it to be a permanent feature onstage so that the audience can see the mirror going on forever and also create nightmarish images when people look into it. If memory serves me right I think there's a way of doing it so that the mirror is in a deep frame and other mirrors are incorporated cleverly into it (not obviously to the audience) to create the effect. I remember reading about such an effect in a previous production but have no idea how to make it work. Any help would be most welcome.





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Don't forget that infinity mirrors (what they're called) need the viewer to be in front, from the sides the infinity effect can be seen. In addition the infinity effect needs the subject to be in between the two panes. It doesn't work when somebody just stands in front. The edges of the inside frame often have lights around the edge which works great.
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You've pretty much answered your own question when state that..


...when you point a video camera at a television and the image goes on for infinity.


If you have a tv (preferably a flatscreen) as your 'mirror' and a video camera somewhere front of house zoomed in to cover just the mirror that should give you the effect you want. You also have the bonus of being able to turn it off when you don't need it.


Edit: Just realised that this won't work in quite the way you expect. It will only repeat images of the back of the actors head, not the front as well. It will still give you a 'disappearing-into-infinity' effect though...

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Using mirrors consider using a plane mirror and a semi-silvered mirror of possible dimensions 3m sq plate glass and heavy. The mirror will of course reflect everything and be impossible to light. Also the infinity effect is very directional what seats 1 - 27 see will not be what seats 28 - 50 see.


Is the visual worth getting a TV camera and a monster screen. Then at least the audience see what you intend.


Beware strobing. I've just seen a LED screen fast strobing where it was screen on screen.

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Yes, I know they are still very much around...That's why I referred to the original because of the (now) cheesy effects.

Are you saying it still does all the old effects? Including video feedback ?

(Just to keep things on topic), but I suspect that if we continue in this vain, the wrath of The Mods will be upon us, along with lightning and smoke effects. Although a confetti cannon would be more appropriate :angry:





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