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Dmx Termination


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because I want to run some intelligent fixtures from dimmer#4.



I think you need to expand slightly on this bit


I only have one photo which doesn't clearly show the box in question and I won't get to theatre for a couple of days to get a good photo (sorry). The fixtures I want to runare a couple of cheap scanning barrel rollers so I can put a few gobos on the back wall of stage.

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because I want to run some intelligent fixtures from dimmer#4.
I think you need to expand slightly on this bit

Really? I thought the OP explained that aspect of his problem quite clearly - he wants to use the DMX loop-through from the fourth dimmer rack to feed some moving lights. That's how I read it, anyway.

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because I want to run some intelligent fixtures from dimmer#4.


Now translating as it actually reads.......


Maybe the OP should have explained a little bit clearer :)

If the OP had said control some intels from the dimmer then yes, but I struggle to see how anyone who knows who DMX is used would translate it as you say.


Definitely I would describe the loop through the intels beyond the dimmers as the OP did.


More in topic, if you unplug the lead from the box, run cabling to the scanners and then run it back again into the box you should be fine (as you would then have 6 devices on the line). If you open the box up and find it to be just a terminator, then this would remove the requirement for a return run of cable, as you could insert a termination at the end of the chain in the last scanner.

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but I read


because I want to run some intelligent fixtures from dimmer#4.


Now translating as it actually reads.......


Maybe the OP should have explained a little bit clearer ;)


it was pretty obvious what the OP meant...


anyway, is running a line back from the last fixture into the wall socket an option?

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It really depends on what the box does! It could be simply a box with the terminator inside or it could have a real function.


If you can look....


Either take the DMX for the barrels from dimmer 4 then back to the box (or ignore the box if its a terminator - use a terminator plug in the last device.


OR get a DMX isolated splitter put it in anywhere and run the barrels off that.


There is value in having the terminator screwed to the wall in a school, -it's less likely to walk off!

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You really need to know what's inside the box. Of course, the solutions given above (looping through your new fixtures and gthen going back into the box) are technically correct, but if the "box" goes off to some other piece of active equipment (maybe houselights?) and you don't know how they're set up, you're going to have fun when you try to decide on appropriate DMX addresses....
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