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Prop Money


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I need to source some prop coins, and I'm having trouble thinking of anything I could use that would be bigger than a modern 2p and would look suitably genericly olde worlde...

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you :D

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Do you know of any good junk shops? You can usually pick up bags of old penny coins fairly cheaply. But must be old style junk shops rather than "antique" shops. Last time I got some I think it was £1 for 25 coins
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when we needed loads of gold coins to pour out of the set a la jackpot on the vegas fruit machines, we got metal blanks from a company called Advanced Alloys in Eastleight, Hants, tel 023 8061 8891. can't remember how much they cost, but we needed hundreds and they can't have been that expensive, give what we usually put aside for the props budget....


they came in a gold colour, so we didn't do anything to them, but if you wanted them to look old and well used, they could be broken down easily enough.

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