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Wireless Bass

Ken Coker

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Dear All


Phew, noisy in here.......


For reasons best known to clinical psychiatrists my band have been asked to play another gig.....yes, the hard-driving, R&B sound of the Derwent delta rises like a lump of concrete from the ashes. (Ok, the Elderly Brothers are playing a wedding..)


I need a wireless pack for my bass - any ideas? It's an acoustic Galveston bass with an internal pick up, coupled with an old HH head and an Acoustic twin 20-inch cab. There is a slight bit of compression on it. (Sadly, I have been unable to find the "Talented" setting on the processor...)


I'm not anxious to spend a fortune, but I would like something that sound engineers won't sneer at - you know what they're like. They can tut at it, but sneering just gets up my pipe....It needs to be a fairly robust unit; remember the scene from the Blues Brothers where they play Bob's Country Bunker? Well, gigs around here can be a bit like that....


Any ideas welcome





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I would not sneer at one of these which a friend uses quite happily. Although towards the cheaper end of the market it seem to work well for him.


However, I may be unable to restrain myself at:

an old HH head and an Acoustic twin 20-inch cab
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However, I may be unable to restrain myself at:

an old HH head and an Acoustic twin 20-inch cab








It's a classic piece of kit........even if it was stolen from "They're Playing Our Song"....actually, it was used in the original Return to the Forbidden Planet.




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In terms of stuff which has a good chance of working effectively in all the venues you visit, JTS, Sennheiser EW (G1 or G2), AKG WMS 40 series would be the kind of stuff I'd trust.


Saying that, I'm just in the process of making a guitar adaptor for an old VHF AKG WMS 50 unit that I've got knocking around.



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In terms of stuff which has a good chance of working effectively in all the venues you visit, JTS, Sennheiser EW (G1 or G2), AKG WMS 40 series would be the kind of stuff I'd trust.


Saying that, I'm just in the process of making a guitar adaptor for an old VHF AKG WMS 50 unit that I've got knocking around.




JTS and Sennheiser, yes. But I've had a lot of problems with dropouts using WMS40s over the years.



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It's a classic piece of kit........even if it was stolen from "They're Playing Our Song"....actually, it was used in the original Return to the Forbidden Planet.


OK then, I'm not sneering!

After all, what it sounds like matters more than anything else doesn't it? :wacko:

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While the WMS40 system is inexpensive, I will never buy another one, unless the receiver is a true-diversity one. The standard ones are single diversity and they drop out all over the place. This is no good!


I've engineered for a band who had a samson unit for his electric gtr, worked really well, and it's just one of those bugs which plugs in to the jack socket of the gtr. The receiver is like a stomp pedal and has 2 arials and I believe it is True Diversity.


Otherwise, Sennheiser Evolution series get my vote, even the EW100 series which are their budget range of the 3 series they do, is very good.

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can't remember the company who do the guitar 'bug' wireless packs, they were fairly budget last time I looked. not sure whether they were any good though. I have always stuck to a rather long lead when playing bass, if distance from the drummer was required, otherwise I have found my bass playing goes out of time to that kick drum the further you get from your amp. damn latency.
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I've engineered for a band who had a samson unit for his electric gtr, worked really well, and it's just one of those bugs which plugs in to the jack socket of the gtr. The receiver is like a stomp pedal and has 2 arials and I believe it is True Diversity.
You can't fault the Samson Airlines. The Shadows used them during their last European tour without a problem (AFAIK).



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