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Crappy Grelcos


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Has anyone else had problems with the newer-style grelcos? I have some Clipsal Snapper 2's which I bought about a year ago, mixed with my older Lumex grelcos. The new ones keep breaking at the pins - they seem to break off inside and recess into the body of the grelco. The older ones are still going fine. Anyone else getting this problem?


And what's with the redesign anyway? My supplier informs me they were redesigned so that you "couldn't overload packs by plugging too much stuff into them, by covering up the next dimmer channel" but the new design permits "stacking" of grelcos, something which the old ones prevented.


And yes, I know the old ones aren't CE marked before anyone starts...doesn't stop me preferring the old ones.

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I have some Clipsal Snapper 2's which I bought about a year ago,

I've got some Snappers, maybe not '2', that do just what is says on the tin. They snap. A small drop causes the weld to break. They can be glued back together again, if you can find all the bits.

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used to have a few of them at my old venue - they were much flimsier than the older ones that we used normally. [could be another manufacturer method?]

I prefer the older type too.


try to avoid re-gluing the grelco and then using it as they [afaik] are made in such a way that they are unsafe once they break apart and are 'fixed. (somehow, I don't know how/why but I heard something of the sort and it seems like a safe enough practice to use)




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I found the snapper 2 much better than the snapper 1.


on the snapper 1 the little bit of plastic which stops the live and neutral touching where they cross over inside the snapper used to break off (or in some other way stop doing what it did)


this led to loud bangs and molten plastic, never had a snapper 2 do this

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Whats wrong with the old ones? (Other than the fact they have no CEs on them). And while we're on the subject of splitters, heard Trelcos are illegial now. If so, how come?




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Yes I have to say I agree I also bought some of these Clipsal crelcos and the buggers keep breaking . you just cant bung them from a hight like the old ones and expect them to survive(well you know what I mean) much prefer the Lumex ones accept some of my old ones are white and look a bit pish when seen.< supose I should sprae them black. Now theres a job for one of the casuals or the work experince ! :(
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  • 2 years later...
There is a solution!!!


Stage Electrics have designed and had manufactured a NEW Grelco, similar to the original, but better! With an offset top socket, meaning your cables don't foul! It's called an 'Encore Squelly'

And I've already had mine...

(And there's still some waiting for Brian if he gets around to sending me the cheque.....!)


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I feel I should offer some grumblings to counterweight the advertising going on :o


I dislike the Stage Electrics grelco, mainly from a design point. It may just be my personal opinion, but I far far prefer having the plugs both on one side :angry: (that said, I use them for cabling, not dimmers) Although why this thread got dragged up from 2004...

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Although why this thread got dragged up from 2004...

Blame Google....


Just read your profile Steve, and to be honest it would have been better to own up in the thread and say that you actually WORK for Stage LX!!!

So twas just a free advert....!


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In my personal experience, I've found the Snapper 2 to be evil incarnate. Surely I can't be the only one who has problems fitting two plugs into it at the same time? I keep finding that plugs fall out constantly with the sods.
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In my personal experience, I've found the Snapper 2 to be evil incarnate. Surely I can't be the only one who has problems fitting two plugs into it at the same time? I keep finding that plugs fall out constantly with the sods.


You're not the only one ;) I've had major issues getting two duraplugs into one at the same time, what's the use of a grelco which doesn't take two plugs properly?!

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