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Lighting Intro


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The trouble with a lot of the web-based resources for "beginners' guide to lighting" type of stuff is that, while there are some out there that are reasonably decent, there's quite a lot of stuff that was evidently written by people who don't really have a clue what they're talking about. For that reason, I'd recommend old-fashioned books as being the place to start. A visit to your local bookshop or library and a search for works by Francis Reid, Richard Pilbrow, Neil Fraser and Nigel Morgan will pay dividends.
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I guess I'll head for the library then. Also, do libraries have a section on...lighting...or would this be creatively hidden to disallow me from finding the books I want?


I would guess that it'd be in a 'theatre' section or similar. In my school library it is...well it's under music, but has a few shelves to itself. Someone probably stole the sign saying 'theatre' :)

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What is it with young people these days, and their apparent inability to do a bit of good old-fashioned paper-based research? I can remember from when I was at school and getting into lighting as a hobby and extra-curricular activity that for books on stage lighting you need to head for 790.025 in your local library - that sticks in my mind from 20 years ago.
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Without sounding old (at 25) or a know all (I spent a summer working in a Library), I am always amazed at Uni at the number of people who cannot use a library (ie find a book); use a computer catalogue to work out a shelf number (or Dewey code) or be bothered to sign up for Athens - the free academic link into published journals. The most worrying part might be the job that these people will end up with - almost entirely based on finding information, comparing published journal articles and evaluating information.


Oh well, C'est la vie...

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