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Scale Stage Plans for China

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Later this year I am taking a show to China for a couple of weeks, and just wondered if anyone out there had been there ahead of me and had plans for the venues I'll be visiting.


These are The Capital Theatre, Beijeng and The Performing Arts Centre in Shanghai.


Before I get the usual barrage of asking the venue first, I have been supplied with plans by the venue (via our promoter) but these are in chinese and unfortunately I'm not good at reading chinese (they are also in jpeg format :) , not good)


I'd be most grateful if anyone can help, I am awaiting a translation but it seems to be taking forever.


Alternatively if any of you out there read chinese I can forward the Jpeg to you.


Hears Hopefully




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I certainly would look out China's diplomatic representation in this country ask for their help with the translation AND all the political niceties of equipment and people into and out of China.


My local council has translators listed for mandarin and cantonese as we have a massive ethnic population. -Try your council's helpdesk. Try your hospital! They will have a list of Health Advocates -their term for interpreters. Its also likely that they will not be theatre people so tech terms will get lost!


I may have a contact locally but she is non theatre so prob hasn't a clue about theatrical terms. -and she will charge!

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Thanks for the advice jivemaster, Just to update so far, I have sent the jpeg to steve and also have a possible contact through Leeds University that I am following up.


I have received the other plan now also as a jpeg and with no dimensions on whatsoever.


Maybe I should just contact the venue directly and explain what I want.



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I would suggest two options here.

1) Contact Theatre Projects and find out if they were the consultants. if so they may be able to help, or point you in the direction of the other companies that may have dealt with the projects.

2) The local university linguistics department can probably help but may need assistance with technical terminology.

This brings back to me a season in Edinburgh many years ago when I had the terracotta warriors show in the playhouse.

The cyc and groundrow bars were translated as the heaven and earth bars, much nicer I thought.

Regards david

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