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Lamp Ammnesty


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I was sorting through our spare lamp stock yesterday, and it came to me what an amazingly large quanity of lamps we don't actually use we have, and I wondered where they all came from.


For example, I have 4 T26 lamps and no lanterns that take T26 lamps at all. I have two HPL575s but no Source 4s. I have about 50 MR16 12v 50w and absolutely no birdies. Where does it all come from? I have theory that my GKVs (of which I always seem to have none at all, despite buying them all the time) turn into different lamps if left on the shelf for too long. Useless ones, mostly. Kind of like socks, or pens.


So I had a thought. Perhaps we could organise some kind of exchange? Someone must have a use for my random additional lamps - perhaps we could swap for the other random lamps other people have. What do you reckon? Anyone else have random lamp stock, or is it just me?

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We've got quite a few T18s and T26s despite only having 4 working Minuette Fs (2 in cinema) and 1 working Minuette Profile, which very rarely get used - probably going to take a few years to get through that stock!



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we have rather a lot of 300watt/500watt bulbs, kinda like the shape of a normal household bulb, but much bigger (comedy bulb size shape), thign is, like you bryson we have no lanterns to put them in, and all our 1k fresnel bulbs have exploded, yet we order them, and never actualy get them :** laughs out loud **:
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We seem to be building up a nice collection of lamps that don't work. Resulting in me spending a good half an hour trying to open a Par, to swap the CP61 for a CP62, only to find both of the CP62's we had didn't work :** laughs out loud **:


We also seem to be building up a nice collection of screws that don't go in anything, lights that are broken, old 5A plugs, bits of gel which are too small for any lanterns etc, etc..


Maybe people could exchange their old broken lanterns, and parts which dont fit any of their stock, and we could make up some working ones between us.


we have rather a lot of 300watt/500watt bulbs, kinda like the shape of a normal household bulb, but much bigger (comedy bulb size shape), thign is, like you bryson we have no lanterns to put them in


We also have a big box of these, I think they are for some old furse floods we have, but the bulbs never seem to break so I havn'd had to use one yet.

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The only floods we have at school are just an open-ended metal tin with a bayonet cap lampholder inside. They do the job for lighting scenery etc, but 100watt bulbs are not bright enough (surprise, surprise). They take 250watt BC bulbs, but we don't have any left :** laughs out loud **:


I havn't searched the highstreets but I know they're pretty hard to find!


Does anyone know where I can get these? It's a regular sized BC, not any bigger.



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Bulbs?? I thought that they were things that you plant in the ground and grow into flowers?


Isn't is 'lamps' that we put in lanterns??


He He He! Sorry couldn't resist being awquard! :** laughs out loud **:

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