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Rostra heights.


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Fresh thread , smellchucker on.


Thinking about control position risers, does it get into more regulations above a certain height. i.e. are handrails, toeboards etc a legal requirement above a certain height and if it is what height?


How do the rules differ for a riser on stage be it a drum riser,set rostra or orchestra lift?



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In short, a competent person needs to assess the risks, and put into place any measures they deem necessary to reduce those risks to an acceptable level. This would take into account all factors you mention inc. location, height, type of use etc.
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Thanks but really looking for the long version.


Have come across it before and had various chapter and verse bits quoted, think it comes into HSE guidance or legsilation which allows us to have a stage wthout a handrail along the front for instance. Which presume would also cover control positions.


Would be nice to know what the `rule book` actually says when encountering jobsworths ;-)


Just wondering if anyone could point me the right way?



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Quite often the 'rule' may be set by the local authority. Some are not that concerned (as long as you're not trying something stupid) while others ( cough... Glasgow City...) seem to have it that everything over 18" requires full building control paperwork!



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Seems to be plenty of info here ....


On industrial accidents and work at height regs, specifically trying to find out where line is drawn, as under one set of rules a stage would require a handrail.....


If you're on a rostra, then as far as the law is concerned, you are working at height. There is no 'line' (like the old 2 metre rule) and what the WAHR says is that each situation needs to be individually assessed.

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If you're on a rostra, then as far as the law is concerned, you are working at height. There is no 'line' (like the old 2 metre rule) and what the WAHR says is that each situation needs to be individually assessed.



Thats kind of what I thought, that Working At Height Regulations affected anything above mean ground level, but sure (hoped) there must be some sort of stage specific guide when handling health and safety officials who may be more used to things like loading docks and machine access.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have in the past hired in a few bits of steeldeck to create a control position but it has only been 4ft deep but 150-200cm high so I put handrails on it anyway - just to make myself feel safer if nothing else. It depends on what you feel to be right - if you dont have rails and you dont feel safe or certain that nothing is going to fall off then put rails on - well thats the way I look at it. I hope it helps!
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musht - what you've got is really as solid as it gets. Like much legislation it is designed to put the onus on the end user, so that way, what is safe vs unsafe won't be laid out in black and white. So the info on the HSE site is as close as you can get. You decide the height on a case by case basis, and carry the can if you get it wrong. They even do it with fire safety now!
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