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Pink lx/electrical tape


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A touring company came into our theatre and they had some pink lx (pvc, insulation, electrical) tape with them.

I know someone who really wants some and have looked everywhere for it...

I found pink gaffa, but I'm really after the lx tape.


Has anyone come across it before or know where I can get hold of it.




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I'm sure I've seen it in a random DIY shop - unfortunately I've no idea which one.



I did come across a fun new term though:

First Aid - Body Fluid Accessories
Sounds rather kinky to me!

I never realised that RS Components was into that kind of thing...

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Ages ago we had some cheep factory seconds violet tape that was more pink than anything, could that be what they had? I seem to recall Apollo ending up with a load so I've no idea where any would be if it does still exist.
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Funnily enough, I know someone who is desperate for pink LX tape...

The only time I have ever seen it was in a shop in Camden, it was part of a 'girlie' tool kit were everything was pink, screwdrivers, stanley knife, etc. I didn't get it as it cost a fortune for the stuff that was in it. see enclosed pic



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The only time I have ever seen it was in a shop in Camden, it was part of a 'girlie' tool kit were everything was pink, screwdrivers, stanley knife, etc. I didn't get it as it cost a fortune for the stuff that was in it. see enclosed pic

Don't suppose you can remember which shop in camden can you? I can think of some one who'd be very amused by that.

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I was just thinking how useful it would be to identify your tols if they were Knob Pink. You'd very quickly be able to work out who's trying a quick one with your cable strippers.... It would also assist in those "where the heck have my snips gone' moments.
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