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Great White Fire Video


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I mean come on these people aren't children now they know when things like this happen someone dies.


I would suggest that there is a considerable difference between showing the first minute or so, where the foam catches fire, and the later sections showing a mass of dying people crushed in a doorway.


One illustrates the point, the other can be deeply distressing and disturbing. I know I found it painful and upsetting to watch.


I showed second year undergraduates the"Gimme Shelter" video (Rolling Stones at Altamont) as a primer for event design and management. Whereas there's little shown that can't be seen outside most clubs at 3am on a Saturday night, many found it quite hard to watch, and some sat with tears in their eyes.



So, yes we should point out the consequences of these activities, but I would perhaps hesitate to show crushed, charred bodies...


Just my 2p.



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We have a regular fire training session; the trainer uses the Bradford City film. This shows in just 5 mins how a small fire can reach cataclysmic proportions.


It really focuses the minds of those who feign indifference and fuss about having to attend.

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I think this video shows the total lack of competence by the pyro tech, and I really feel for the victims of his ignorance.


I used Gerbs quite a lot, years ago (in the 80's), and one of the main things you need to remember about these devices is that they burn for over 20 seconds. They're not like most pyro's that burn for less than a couple of seconds. A simple theatrical flash, silver star etc are not too much of a problem, when used with a little thought, and knowledge of the Pyro itself.


But Gerbs (and Volcano's if they still exist (Similar but a wider beam angle of 'sparks' hence their name)) are VERY different. Once ignited, you can't put them out. As far as I am aware, they contain their own oxygen, so once lit they're gonna burn until all the fuel is used up.


So when you look at a burn duration of that amount of time, you need to adequately ensure that there are no flammable objects of any description anywhere close to the device, that the gerb is firmly secured ( if it falls over, that can also have nasty consequences), and that there is enough ventilation, as they produce a lot of smoke. Also I would recommend that the height clearance is at least double that of the effect in question


Gerbs are an incredible effect, but need to be used with a much tighter Risk Assessment, simply because of the burn duration.


I hope this helps, although my knowledge on this type of effect is a little dated.

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Like many others, I've been wondering whether to view this item, and finally, today, I downloaded.


It is just unbelievable that in less than 10 minutes three moderate size gerbs can convert a music venue to rubble, taking over a hundred people with it. Like others, I have fired a few gerbs in my day, and although I always considered myself to be sober, safe and careful at the time, one has to wonder if there was perhaps just a bit of luck there too. There, for the grace of <insert deity here>, perhaps step I, and maybe many others...

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  • 11 months later...

Just an update on this ongoing story... The survivors bought lawsuits against many of those 'involved'.


The guy filming was accused of obstruction. He denies this.


Strangely enough, JBL were also accused because "their loudspeakers had flammable foam inside". A tentative settlement has been made, with the company not admitting any wrongdoing.


The original tragedy was awful. Sueing everything in sight afterwards seems to be somewhat bizzare...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Caution serious images of human disfigurementIf you need graphics look at http://come.to/pfp and hit consequences. Have a bowl handy. These were the consequences of trying DIY pyro.


Whether this sort of imagery will help young people understand anything I don't know! Some are so robust that they accept knife and gun culture as normal and see killing as OK. Others can be so emotionally frail that they would be harmed by such pictures.


I am a trained airport fireman and used to work for an undertaker. Among all ages of people are those who can and those who cannot cope with knowledge of disasters and the human cost.



added warning! only suitable for work in correct context

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