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Anyone used a Skytronic DMX scanner?


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I'm new here and have looked through all the previous posts on here, looked across the whole of the web, etc and still cant find any reveiws (except one comment the skytronic website) about a skytronic roboscan 6-channel DMX scanner, not even a video!


Its specs look very good for a cheap £140 DMX: http://www.skytronic.co.uk/product/product.php?s=150.323


Separate colour and gobo wheels as well as a 0-100% dimmer!


So has anyone seen or used this or any similar light by skytronic?





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I have.


Not that exact scan,but a Skytronic one.


Its the HMI 1200 one.I also found it hard to find info on these scans when I first bought it.


What exactly do you want to know about these scans?


Having moved over to a few Martin lights and comparing these to Skytronic,all I will say is "you get what you pay for".Saying that the features they have for the money are not that bad,depends on your use of the lights.


Install?Mobile use?

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Wanted to know if they are like others for that price range (Chauvet, American DJ, etc) and only suffer from the general problems of low priced lights OR are they slightly better OR are they a complete waste of time and your better off getting Chauvet intimadators or omegas.


I'm looking into to getting a set of 4 DMX scanners, a hazer, a USB controller and 2 colour washes for my school with a budget of £1000. We already have a analogue setup of lights which are fine for theatrical performances, but for the two or three musical/concert events we have they're useless.

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[same one???


Seems very similar spec wise, body slightly different shape.


Never seen it before but I've managed to find some videos of it on the internet and it seems fine - I like the fact they are rotating gobos rather than static.


But has anyone used these or similar lights?

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We already have a analogue setup of lights which are fine for theatrical performances, but for the two or three musical/concert events we have they're useless.

Well, I'm afraid that THAT statement is patently not true!

You don't need flashy moving lights to make an interesting show - it's not what you may like to have but how you use what you DO have that makes the difference between a boring and an effective lighting design.


As has been pointed out here MANY times, you can and should do more with your conventional rig.

And whilst a £1000 spent on the kit you're looking at might sound ok on paper, you are NOT going to get much bang for buck at that sort of budget. For school use, you need as near to indestructible as possible, because sooner rather than later it WILL get abuse!


If the school does have this cash available, you could spend it far wiser on upping the number of conventionals with which to make the shows more interesting.

If you absolutely HAVE to have movers occasionally, then hire in when actually NEEDED.



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But has anyone used these or similar lights?


The Eurolite scanner seems to have the same gobos as the Skytronic yet note that this has static gobos too. The gobo wheel contains 14 gobos. You can't get that many gobos on the one wheel that will all rotate, usually you get between 5 and 8 rotating gobos.

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Seems very similar spec wise, body slightly different shape.


Never seen it before but I've managed to find some videos of it on the internet and it seems fine - I like the fact they are rotating gobos rather than static.


But has anyone used these or similar lights?


The Eurolite scanner seems to have the same gobos as the Skytronic yet note that this has static gobos too. The gobo wheel contains 14 gobos. You can't get that many gobos on the one wheel that will all rotate, usually you get between 5 and 8 rotating gobos.


Sorry, I had a look at their website and I looked at some of their other lights for a similar price and they had one with rotating gobos.


Thanks for your help I think I have a fairly good idea what to get, just need to sort out planning through where everythings going to go.




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