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Mac250+ Usage


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I'm operating a gig this coming Friday that is using 4 Mac250+ (2 FOH, 2 onstage) plus a bunch of generics (no other intelligent lights). I had a bit of a play with the rig last night and found that sometimes it was a bit hit and miss with gobo, colour and movement/effect combinations. This is probably due more to my inexperience than anything else.

Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for combinations that look particularly good but are not over-imposing.

The gig itself is going to be very mellow.




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I'm operating a gig this coming Friday that is using 4 Mac250+ (2 FOH, 2 onstage) plus a bunch of generics (no other intelligent lights). I had a bit of a play with the rig last night and found that sometimes it was a bit hit and miss with gobo, colour and movement/effect combinations. This is probably due more to my inexperience than anything else.

Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for combinations that look particularly good but are not over-imposing.

The gig itself is going to be very mellow.

It's all a bit handwavey since your request is very broad and you don't specify what it's actually for (or what colour washes you have etc), but (in the vain hope this might help):


- the broken circle gobo, rotating gently in yellow and sweeping slowly across the audience can be quite effective

- the fan gobo rotating slowly in white on walls can be quite nice

- using the blue/white random dot glass gobo, with the prism, again rotating slowly, slightly out of focus, can give quite a nice ripply effect on cycs/backdrops/walls/ceilings

- ditto the pink spiral but more in focus

- If you have any red generics you might like to try the UV colour, open gobo, perhaps a bit of prism to broaden the spread a bit, with a touch of red generics to highlight and white generics to pick out (the singer, musician, actor, whatever). You might find that 4 macs aren't enough to pull this off but I get a really nice deep hue with 10 250s and 2 300s sometimes doing this.


I'm assuming you've got haze and a reasonable desk/one you know how to use!


Personally I don't like the 'gobo shake' effects and have never really found a use for the fibroid or offcentre dot gobos (aside from mirror ball bodging with the latter) so I'd be interested in any other comments too there! (I normally replace those two with our custom gobos...)


Hope this helps.

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I also am useing mac 250+ on march the 9th I love theese lights I will be running 6 pf theese along with 4 mac 300's and wht I like about theese is that they all have the color cyan and uv purple now I dont now about u but I think theese colors are a great main background.


theres a few pointers.




Nico :)



Moderation: Edited to take the new portion of the post outside the quote box...then whole quote deleted as it was unnecessary!


Second Moderation: Quality Control: This, dear members, is exactly the sort of post our new Quality Control measures, when fully introduced, will be aiming to remove. The spelling is appaling, the grammar is non-existent, there are no capitals, and, worse than any of that, the post is totally useless. All it says is that there are 2 particular colours on the colour wheel. After 20 seconds playing with a Mac250 any technician, no matter how cr*p, will have worked that out for themselves. Please, people, if you don't have anything to say that is of any use then don't post. Thanks (angry moderator - off to find something to calm him down! Put the kettle on, someone!)

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That is helpful thanks.

A bit more info on what we are using. We're running the macs through a hog 1000 which I know how to use well enough. We are using a magnum hazer which works well in the venue for onstage but not much beyond that.

The other lights we have in the rig are 4 x four bars with red/blue/green/amber (not sure of exact gel codes)on FOH truss with a couple of PC1200's for fill, two four bars with some colours on each side, and another two four bars as back lighting, there are also a couple of four bars set up as ray kits (one on each side) with a light blue and four blinders. There is no cyc, but there is a screen which have to avoid mostly so as not to piss-off the VJ too much.

The generics are all being run through a seperate desk (TL Nova) so busking with the macs is relatively safe and there's no risk of the stage going to black.

The gig itself is a mellow dub/hip-hop concert. Very chilled out!



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Dub/hip hop/chill out concert.... OK...


I'd tend to think about colours equalling mood (don't we all most of the time!?). So for hip-hop I'd go for blues, purples, reds. Anything like yellow or green are too overpowering for the type of genre unless they are matched well with other colours.

Think slow and sexy...


- Generic reds with UV (as mentioned before)

- Blue with a hint of red generics together with the 'rose' gobo across the back or out above an audience

- Purple and pinks with orange in the macs. possibly with the radial or fan gobos slowly panning across the stage/audience

- Any type of shutter chase should be soft and smooth, slowly changing between each mac

- Rippled effects like the fibroid gobo or another gobo prismed and out of focus against the back of the stage or across the performers

- If you want more definition from the stage macs, have dark generics like blue and clash it with open white broken dots or prismed rotating lines, either panning over an audience or pointing to a central point on the roof just out in front of the performers.


At the end of the days it's all about your artistic eye and what looks great to you as a lighting designer/technician/engineer. Just keep in mind the TYPE of music played and the TEMPO of it.

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When using any type of moving heads, the 'Radial Dashes' gobo is quite nice. In a light colour to suit the mood, used along side with a haser, it looks very effective when panning slowly from side to side.


All of the gobos can be found here http://www.martin.com/gobo/goboprodpage.as...duct=mac250plus


I also like to use movers to 'run'. i.e. flash in turn. This looks effective with a large rig of movers.



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