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Shure PSM 400 iem's?


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Anyone familiar with these "iem's",is it possible to use one unit in mono to feed seperate mixes to two vocalists?


From memory, the degree of isolation between the two channels isn't that great. I believe that you won't achieve full separation between the two.

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My memory matches Simon's...in the deep dark recesses of my mind, a number in the mid-20dB range for stereo separation is recalled, but the specs and manual on the Shure web site don't seem to give this information.



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Anyone familiar with these "iem's",is it possible to use one unit in mono to feed seperate mixes to two vocalists?


From memory, the degree of isolation between the two channels isn't that great. I believe that you won't achieve full separation between the two.


Can you please elaborate,I'm not sure if I know what you mean?

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Basically saying that the crosstalk between "chanels" (in reality Left and Right) is quite high.


So if you were to, say, put vocalist A into the left input and vocalist B into the right input, someone listening on only one of the earbuds (say left) would hear all of vocalist A, and some of vocalist B in their ear.


Whether this is a problem for you (IE if you can toletrate not having the two channels fully seperated) is something you will probably have to try for yourself and decide.



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I have the DB technologies cheapo ones, same thing here. I use a mono feed (direct from my radio mic) so I've just got me in the mix. I put this in one ear and leave the other open to hear the stage mix. Interestingly if you listen to the other earphone, even though there is nothing connected to its input, you still get a reasonable amount of vocal in it.


You may need to modify your headphone connection slightly. If you're wanting to wear both earphones at the same time then you'll need to rewire the plug so that both sides go to the same part of the jack plug. The headphones for each set (i.e. the left mix and the right mix) will need to be wired the opposite way around to seperate off each one's own mix. If you're only using one earphone (as I do) you just need to pick the right one for the mix you want.

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