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LED PARS help !


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I have in school some led par 64 however they are in plain boxes and there is no product name or model number I am hopeing to use them with a zero88 leap frog but dont know how to address them on the can its self


any help greatly appriated



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I have in school some led par 64 however they are in plain boxes and there is no product name or model number I am hopeing to use them with a zero88 leap frog but dont know how to address them on the can its self


any help greatly appriated




Would be good to know if there are any switches on the back. If there are a set of about 9 switches in a row, it's a binary number. Basically each switch is a different digit,


switch 1 = 1

switch 2 = 2

switch 3 = 4

switch 4 = 8

switch 5 = 16

switch 6 = 32

switch 7 = 64

switch 8 = 128

switch 9 = 256




take the numbe rof the start channel (the first one you want to operate the fixture on the desk). Find the largest of the above values and select its switch, then keep working smaller. By adding up all the numbers that the switches correspond to, you should be able to make any number you like.


They may be a simple tri-colour can, in which case it will start on the first number you selected and then listen to that and the 2 after it. It depends how many channels it is!


It may be there are jumpers inside to do the same job or a few multi-position turn dials, all do the same job though!

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As well as being able to set the DMX address on the cans, you need the fixture profile for the cans for the desk.


Where did you hire these from? Its almost unbelievable that whoever you hired them from wasn't able to tell you who made them and give you some info.


The other problem that sort of stops us from helping you is knowing, how many channels the fixtures use, what the channel layout is (i.e. ch1 = red, ch2 = blue, etc etc). You sure on the can or the box for them somewhere there isn't something like Showtec LED par 64.. or Thomas Pixel Par? :D


Erm, if you can find out the name of the units from the supplier or give us a channel layout, I'm sure one us will be able to help more. Chances are its a unit we've used before (theirs only so many LED cans in the world!) so someone'll probably have a Z88 fixture file for it or failing that, be able to make one for you.


Sorry I can't help more.




Edit: If you really can't find any data on what the units are, then use some guess work. As I said, unless you've got some really expensive LED cans, which you'd easily be able to find out what they are, then chances are their 6 channel re branded things we've seen before such as the Showtec cans. So.. set them so their 6 channels apart, I.e 1st unit = 1, 2nd unit = 7, 3rd = 13, etc.


Then copy the fixture profile file in this zip file >> http://support.zero88.com/main/en/download/343 onto a floppy disk, stick the disk in the desk and patch the fixtures to the desk accordingly. The profile you need to pick is: American DJ >> Par 64 LED. (this profile's got the same channel layout as the showtec and eurolite cans)


Patch it so that the addresses match up to what you've set the units too. Then just see what happens.. Chances are they'll work because my assumption's 'll be correct. But until you try it or post some more info, I can't be sure. HTH.

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Or less :D


The Showtec ones I use have maximum of 127. It is important to realise that some of the dip switches might be for a different function and not part of the addressing.


I think it would be obvious if it were a JTE Pixelpar so ,assuming it's one of the Chinese units, have a look at the LED Pars thread where there are various photos and channel information. They tend to vary between 5 and 6 channels. Try plugging just one can into the desk. Set dipswitch 1 to on and all others to off. Pretend the fixture is just simple dimmer channels and have a play to find out!

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Second Niclights suggestion. I think the option I presented earlier or this are your best bet. Though Niclights one's a bit more temporary, though it would help in determining the channel layout and selecting/making a suitable fixture profile.





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It is very likely that the cans will be able to be run as 3 channel mode (RGB) or sometimes intensity, pattern, colour. You wouldnt necessarily need a fixture profile?

Big BUT there is you need to be careful with channel assignments.

If the cans are indeed 6 channel, then the OP still needs to take care to assign the addresses 6 channels apart. otherwise, if he sets them as addresses 1, 4, 7, 10 etc, that'll be fine for cans 1 and 3, but as soon as he brings up DMX 4-6 or 10 to 12 for cans 2/4 it'll do some fun things to cans 1 and 3!

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I have also just got some LED par56's from showtec. They run on 5 channels, RGB, macro and mode. There are 9 dip switches, the 9th being a mode switch taht allows you to select colours by changing dip switch combinations, for use on stand alone modes. Problem with using them on the frog desk,is that there is no virtual brightness channel, therefore you cannot dim the fixtures, only one of the colours (which ever one you put into he brightness attribute..and you can only choose one!) I had a guy from FROG come down to chat about it, and he said the best way is to patch them in to the generic faders, and if you are pairing the lamps even better. this way you can dim the fixture without having the colour change. Unfortunately FROG will only be any good for LED fixtures if you have the frog 2 or above, as the processors of the fatfrog and leapfrog just cannot cope with having that extra channel...according the Frog man! Best person to ask is him actually, name is Peter Kirkup, and is one of the moderators of the BR. Hope this helps.
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............according the Frog man! Best person to ask is him actually, name is Peter Kirkup, and is one of the moderators of the BR. Hope this helps.


Why do I now have an immage of Peter ,with a wetsuit & flippers, in my head? :D

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