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not sure about bb-guns on stage


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hi, I am co-directing Blood Brothers and in it is a seen where the kids are required to use an airgun.


We have borrowed a bb-gun and are now wondering whether we are actually allowed to have a gun on stage that could do real damage if it were loaded (obviously we are not loading it) but even so is it in breach of any health and safety laws


cheers guys, Circusfreak

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would a cap gun be any good, as then there isn't anything being propelled, or even the chance? I think you may have to talk to someone who knows about insurance, because I think as it is a replica firearm, children shouldn't handle them.
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A BB gun is not a firearm, and therefore doesn't require an armourer.


However, it is always good practice to "treat dummy as live" and therefore you should assign a competent person (over 18) who will be solely responsible for the pistol during the production run. This competent person should retain the pistol when it is not actually onstage. It should be locked away at all other times. It goes without saying that it must never be loaded, nor must ammunition (bb's) be allowed anywhere near the production. Determine what type of bb pistol it is. If it is of the gas powered type (as opposed to a basic spring-type) then similarly, ensure that there is no gas available. There is no need for the muzzle to be pointed straight at anyone (actor or audience) since even on a small stage the audience will be hard pushed to realise if the pistol is being "aimed off" (away from anyone's person).


I notice you are a pupil. All this will have to be done under the supervision of your teachers. They should approve of the use and advise the senior management team. They must do the risk assessments.


Just a quick note, brandishing any sort of gun-like item in public WILL attract a potentially lethal response from the police. Personally I fully support any Firearms Officer who shoots someone playing with guns of any type in public...

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Hi all


If it is a gas powered bb-gun then as long as there is no gas in it then there is no danger whatsoever if it is a spring powered one then I would suggest to save any problems that the spring is removed then there is again no possibility of any danger to anyone (having played with many as a kid, its very easy to remove the spring without damaging the bb-gun and indeed replacing it afterwards)



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saying that I would not want any of my guns taken apart, I would suggest simply removing the clip (if any) and put some tape over the hole on the grip and paint it to match the rest of the grip (guessing that it might be a wood color) then return the clip to it's owner after the production


If it does not have a clip paint a cork all black, and shove it down the barrel, say if anyone is caught with the gun without the barrel plug, then their will be much more than hell to pay.

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Too early for a sense of humour...


paint a cork all black, and shove it down the barrel


...is it time to lock this thread before it gets any more stupid?


Yep, I think it probably is. The original question has been comprehensively answered.

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