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New lighting rig - thoughts welcome


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No problem, that's what this forum is for.


I don't know how much money affects this project, but bear in mind that moving lights are often expensive to maintain (£60ish for a 250w discharge lamp), then if a ficture breaks down, you need to get a person who knows what they are doing to fix them.


Another pointer - Flightcase everything you have, it will help protect the kit and increase it's lifespan. It also looks more professional to come into a venue with flightcases than a load of cardboard boxes.


What thoughts do you have to the lighting desk to control the movers off?





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I'm not sure about the desk actually, the idea was to eventually go into Lightjockey or some other PC based software but obviously I'd need a good hands on controller for on-the-fly operation. Maybe Lightjockey + Martin Fingers, I'm not sure really.


I don't know if the Freekie desk would be much use as I know intels use a large chunk of DMX channels. I guess maybe I can get the lighting I need then evaluate what desk is needed and either keep our current desk for generics and just get a moving light controller or else just upgrade altogether.


I have experimented with LJ, was able to program some small scenes etc. and although I found it tricky I can definately see the benefits. .I'm thinking maybe using hands-on desk for the PARs with laptop doing triggered pre-programmed scenes on the movers. That might be simpler to use during gigs etc.

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I think a fat frog would be a good choice in your situation. It would give you 48 channels of faders, then space for 12 moving lights, plenty of expandabity available. The desk is great for a beginner and I found it easy to get used to, I would advise to get it flightcased, as the one at our college hasn't been, and because of this it has got a bit battered. I would recommend it though.





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  • 3 months later...

Hi folks,

just reporting back with an update, and maybe further opinions...


We now have 8 x 300w par56's which we use on 2 tripods with the showtec "showbar" thing which is quite nifty and allows for a lot of flexibility in assigning DMX channels to a given lamp.


We also have 4 LED's on a tripod we use for smaller shows and, as I guessed, they dont do warm tones as well as traditional par's. But we'll keep the LED's for certain shows, the colour mixing is very good and the response to full-on flashes is instant.


We also got 2 Acrobats which are going onto a tripod and pointing out onto the floor to keep the dancers happy.


We now have 3 Minimac washes and yet to be decided where they will go but for larger shows I am thinking they will be on the floor adding some effect where desired.


We're now at the final piece of the jigsaw, the specials :stagecrew:

The primary requirement now is rotating gobos, I'm seriously considering the mac 250 range and not bother with scanners. We found a place that does lighting repairs and servicing so we can be a bit more ambitious with selecting our intels. There are some good deals on ebay lately for macs and I'm thinking we may prefer moving heads rather than scanners as at least we can floor them when needed, whereas scanners always seem to demand a high positioning on stands etc.


For anyone interested here is our current list: http://www.santoria.ie/santorialighting.html


What we're looking at now:

SCX600 - rotating gobos but halogen....

SCX700 - rotating gobos & discharge but pricey

robe xt's or ct's - still browsing thru these unit specs

Mac 250's - all in one solution

Robe Movers - alternative to macs


Any thoughts??

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What about trying 2 or 4 of the NJD quartets? easier to carry than par cans and less to rig and 2 will be same light output as 8 parcans but with a wide flood. (they come with barn doors for narrowing down the beams anyhow.)
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I had to Google "NJD quartets" :yahoo:

I've come across them units before, not sure about them for band use but might pick up a couple along the way. Although with 8 par's and 4 led's we seem to have plenty of choice for stage wash no?

I can only imagine the heat off 4 x 500w lamps ;)

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