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Method Statements


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Hi all,


I'd appreciate a bit of advice please!


I'm happy with the reasons of writing method statements, and to a degree, what they should cover, but I'm curious as to which activities NEED statements.


To give a little background, I am involved in LX design, rigging, operation and de-rig.


If I were to cover every part of the job, my first method statement would cover parking in the car park. (A little OTT me thinks...) But at what point do I need to start documenting? When I rig? When I get the ladder out? When I start plugging things in? I'm probably starting to ramble a bit, but I hope you see my point!


Any opinions or thoughts are welcomed!


Jim W.


PS If this has already been covered, I apologise. I did have a quick search, but didn't find a lot...

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Perhaps it would be worth buying Marco Van Beek's "A Practical Guide to Health and Safety in the Entertainment Industry" (see the books section of www.etnow.com), as he gives some good pointers and practical examples, together with down loadable templates.



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One of the theatres I know does things like this...


First define all the possible tasks. (not always the easiest thing to do...)

Next, risk assess each task and decide the level of risk.

If the risk is medium or high, write a method statement.

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